Weekly Round Up
Quincy in the News

December 4, 2022

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‘PACT Act’ Champions to Receive 2022 Quincy Award

The Quincy Institute will honor Rosie Torres, Captain LeRoy Torres, and Burn Pits 360 – the organization they founded together – by presenting them with the annual Quincy Award for Responsible Statecraft.

The Torreses are being recognized for their extraordinary advocacy and relentless pursuit of government accountability for veterans’ illnesses from exposure to toxic burn pits while serving their country in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Their efforts culminated in Congress passing and President Biden signing the PACT (Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics) Act into law in August 2022.



The Worsening Taiwan Embroglio: An Urgent Need for Effective Crisis Management
By Michael Swaine, East Asia Program Director
Quincy Institute, 11/28/22

If the United States and China fail to take measures of mutual reassurance, the two countries will continue on the path to confrontation over Taiwan.


2022 Annual Report
Quincy Institute, 11/23/22

We launched the Quincy Institute in December 2019 to counter Washington’s seemingly permanent consensus for war. Our team has been at the forefront of efforts to end the United States’ 20 year long Global War on Terror in Afghanistan, Somalia, Yemen, Iraq, and Syria. In 2022 we have been expanding this work to prevent new wars.



Protests Over COVID in China Turning to Calls for Change

Interview with Jake Werner, Research Fellow 
Fox 5 DC, 11/29/22

The Biden administration is right to take a cautious approach toward the current protests in China.  


Beyond the Cameras, Macron-Biden Meeting Tougher Than It Looks
By Anatol Lieven, Eurasia Program Director
Responsible Statecraft, 12/1/22

While the French leader was feted and flattered, differences on Ukraine and the European economic crisis loomed large.


The Perpetually Irrational Ukraine Debate
By Stephen Walt, Non-Resident Fellow
Foreign Policy, 11/29/22

These are the sort of political circumstances that lead presidents to keep distant wars going—even if there’s no plausible path to victory, the desire to avoid being accused of not having done enough tempts them to escalate in some way or kick the can down the road.


Why Did the U.S.-China Relationship Collapse, and Can It Be Repaired?
By Jake Werner, Research Fellow
The Nation, 11/21/22

Ending the mindset of zero-sum conflict among elites in both countries is needed to address existential dangers.


Dangerous Reporting on the War in Ukraine

Interview with George Beebe, Grand Strategy Director
Al Jazeera English, 11/26/22

We need to be careful that the narratives being pushed by information warriors don’t precipitate some sort of direct confrontation between the U.S. and Russia that could lead to very dangerous escalation.


Overemphasizing China’s Military Prowess Harms U.S. Security
By William Hartung, Senior Research Fellow
The Washington Post, 12/3/22

Exaggerating the relative scope of China’s military ambitions while ignoring its nonmilitary sources of power will yield a counterproductive, overly militarized approach to U.S.-China relations, to the detriment of U.S. security.



The Making of the U.S. Military's New Stealth Bomber by W.J. Hennigan/Quoted: Senior Research Fellow William Hartung, Time Magazine, 12/3/22

Do Not Expect Any Russia-Ukraine Peace Talks Any Time Soon by Diana Galeeva/ Quoted: Eurasia Program Director Anatol Lieven, Arab News, 12/2/22

TELEVISION: China’s Zero COVID Protests, Interview with Research Fellow Jake Werner, The Conversation/TYT, 12/2/22 

Don’t Use the War in Ukraine As An Excuse To Permanently Expand the Weapons Industry by Senior Research Fellow William Hartung, Forbes, 12/2/22

Diplomacy Watch: Divisions Flare in the West as Winter Looms by Reporter Connor Echols, Responsible Statecraft, 12/2/22

RADIO: Protests Against China’s “Zero Covid” Tyranny Plague the Country, Interview with Research Fellow Jake Werner, The Lars Larson Show, 12/2/22

Here’s Why America’s Trust in the Military Is Still in the Dumps by Editorial Director Kelley Beaucar Vlahos, Responsible Statecraft, 12/1/22

PODCAST: Silent Spring, 60 Years Later, In Search of Monsters, Quincy Institute/Radio Open Source, 12/1/22

TELEVISION: On the Russia-Ukraine Conflict and Protests in China, Interview with Grand Strategy Director George Beebe, Just the News/No Noise, 12/1/22

Why Did The Taliban Welcome This Woman to Afghanistan with Big Smiles? by Kaubab Shairani/ Quoted: Research Fellow Adam Weinstein, Vice, 12/1/22

Let’s Put the Pentagon’s China Report in Context by Senior Research Fellow William Hartung, DefenseOne, 11/30/22

The Ukraine Conflict and America's National Interests, Interview with Grand Strategy Director George Beebe, Stand Together Trust, 11/30/22

When It Comes to Foreign Policy, Hakeem Jeffries Will Bring More of the Same by Reporter Connor Echols, Responsible Statecraft, 11/30/22

PODCAST: The Pentagon, Climate Change, and War, Interview with Non-Resident Fellow Neta Crawford, The Lawfare Podcast, 11/29/22

A "New" Theory of American Power Takes on Straw Men and Loses by Senior Research Fellow William Hartung, Inkstick Media, 11/29/22

NATO Again Dangles Membership in Front of Ukraine by Senior Advisor Kelley Beaucar Vlahos, Responsible Statecraft, 11/29/22

Turkey Is About to Invade Syria, and the U.S. Won’t Do Much to Stop It by Reporter Connor Echols, Responsible Statecraft, 11/29/22

China Protests Over COVID Policies Are Growing. Here’s How the U.S. Shouldn’t Respond. by East Asia Director Michael Swaine, Responsible Statecraft, 11/28/22

TELEVISION: On the Geopolitical Implications of the U.S.-Iran World Cup Match, Interview with Executive Vice President Trita Parsi, Newsy, 11/28/22 

Six Reasons the Afghan Government Utterly Collapsed During U.S. Withdrawal by Research Fellow Adam Weinstein, Responsible Statecraft, 11/23/22

U.S. Arms Dealing Is Out of Control by Senior Research Fellow William Hartung, The Nation, 11/23/22

Did COP27 Create Opportunities for Geopolitical Gains? by Director of Studies and Senior Research Fellow Sarang Shidore, Responsible Statecraft, 11/22/22

The Pentagon Fails Its Fifth Audit in a Row by Reporter Connor Echols, Responsible Statecraft, 11/22/22

If the Biden Administration Won’t Hold Mohammed Bin Salman Accountable, Congress Should by Senior Research Fellow William Hartung and Research Fellow Annelle Sheline, The Hill, 11/21/22

U.S. Primacy is Relegated to the Sidelines at World Cup by Communications Associate Andrew Earvolino, Responsible Statecraft, 11/21/22


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