"It will be invaluable to have a veteran of the Senate and a veteran of state politics in these key positions as we serve the people of Pennsylvania," said the Senator-elect about two key hires for his new staff.
"The problem with massive projects like Lake Powell and the Glen Canyon Dam," said one climate journalist, "is they were engineered for a climate that no longer exists."
"Elon Musk appears to have outsourced decisions about who to ban from Twitter to the platform's right-wing extremists," said The Intercept's Micah Lee.
"Supreme Court justices have avoided accountability for too long," said one critic. "It's time for our elected officials to do their job, and serve as a true check on the judiciary."
"This is a legacy-defining moment for Joe Biden," said Railroad Workers United. "He is going down as one of the biggest disappointments in labor history."
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Time and again, when Republicans hold power, they wield it to silence the will of the people by making it harder for citizens to pursue direct democracy.
by Emma Olson Sharkey, Kentiya Orange, Carrie Olson-Manning
The Fight for $15 and a Union has shown that to effectively challenge the stranglehold of the neoliberal political economy, interventions must come from the bottom up, reflecting the genuine voices of workers and their communities.