Don't miss your chance to see dueling piano's this Friday!
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Hey, friends! This is your last call to get tickets to our fantastic, super-fun, True Texas Christmas party!  It's festive and merry, and you want to be there... I promise!  Don't tell anyone, but I think this is the most fun thing we do all year!  Get your tickets NOW, and I'll see ya on Friday night!  I'll be the one in the red... or maybe green...  or hmmm... something glittery... or... matching jammies??? or... SOMEthing celebratory and holiday-ish!


Ho! Ho! Ho!
Julie McCarty, CEO

True Texas Christmas - Dueling Pianos
This is your LAST CALL for tickets to our 2022 Christmas celebration, featuring "Dueling Pianos"! We hosted this event last year, and immediately had requests to do it again. We just couldn't get enough of this high-energy, all-request, show-down of pure talent. 

There will be appetizers, soft drinks, a cash donation bar, and of course fun and fellowship for the whole family!


Friday Dec. 9, 2022
Studios at TCN,
6125 Airport Freeway, Fort Worth, TX 76117
Doors Open: 5:30
Refreshments: 6:00 - 7:00
Program: 7:00 - 8:00

Attire: Holiday Cheer

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