Dear John, 

Our planet is burning, inequality is skyrocketing, Puerto Rico is trembling. Another destructive, endless war is the last thing we need. 

Join New Yorkers rallying against war with Iran and in solidarity with our Iranian-American neighbors:

Thursday, January 9. 6 PM.
Foley Square

RSVP: via MoveOn here or via Facebook here

On Friday evening I got a call from an Iranian American constituent in tears, fearful that she and others in her community would be targeted for hate, or bias, or police surveillance, just as Arab and Muslim communities faced after 9/11. Already we’ve seen reports of Iranian-Americans detained at the U.S. border, a sign that the discrimination we fear may escalate. 

Let’s stand together to oppose war, militarization and bigotry against our Iranian and Iranian American families, neighbors and friends.


