🎤 Representative Jamie Raskin, Maryland Congressman and key January 6 Committee member, earned a lengthy standing ovation for his energetic, passionate call for to defend democracy and freedom both at home and abroad. 

J Street Conference 2022

Friend --

Last night kicked off J Street's first in-person conference in three years, with over 2,500 supporters gathering in Washington DC and virtually.

J Street President Jeremy Ben-Ami took to the stage to open the conference with a rousing speech on the relevance and urgency of J Street's mission in 2022 and beyond. 

Representative Jamie Raskin, Maryland Congressman and key January 6 Committee member, earned a lengthy standing ovation for his energetic, passionate call to defend democracy and freedom both at home and abroad. 

⬇️ Highlights Below ⬇️

Jeremy Ben-Ami: A Strong J Street is More Important Than Ever

J Street President takes the stage at 2022 conference

In his main stage address, J Street's president made the case that with a stagnant peace process and a rightward drift among American pro-Israel organizations, J Street’s role as a pro-Israel, pro-peace, pro-democracy political home is more critical than ever.

“Precisely because we are mired in permanent occupation and the undemocratic and unjust one-state reality is upon us, the work of J Street is even more important,” he said. “US Policy can still make a very concrete difference in people’s lives. It can protect rights, it can prevent abuses, and it can keep a path open so that one day we can resolve this conflict.”

“If we give in to despair, the only winners are ethnonationalists, racists and demagogues who threaten not only Israel but our own democracy in the US,” Ben-Ami said.

Watch Jeremy Ben-Ami's full address >> 

Jamie Raskin Issues Clarion Call to Defend Democracy

Raskin speaks

Congressman Raskin, a key member of the January 6 Committee, spoke powerfully about the fight to protect democratic freedoms at home and abroad.

"Just as there is a furious struggle between democratic nations and tyrannical regimes, there is a profound struggle taking place within each society at the same time," Raskin said, warning of the danger of a returned Netanyahu administration backed by the far-right.

"The inclusion of political extremists in the government of a democratic society, as we have seen here in the Trump administration, constitutes a clear and present danger to democratic values, the rule of law and human rights," Raskin said.

The struggle to defend democratic freedoms and our shared values of equality, justice and peace has become truly global, and American leadership is an indispensable part of the fight.

"From the autocrats in Moscow to the kleptocrats in Mar-a-Lago to the theocrats in Saudi Arabia and Iran, the enemies of democracy are on the march," he said. "The struggle to defend democracy in America is the struggle to defend democracy and human rights on Earth today."

Watch Congressman Jamie Raskin's full address here >>

Catch Up: Noa Sings Shalom Shalom

Noa sings on the main stage

Israeli singer and human rights activist Noa spoke powerfully about the need for peace, empathy and the importance of our movement, as well as performing several inspiring pieces written by both Israelis and Palestinians.

"What is 'responsibility'? It is understanding, seeing, accepting the other," she said. "But maybe even beyond that, it's putting the other in your own self as part of your identity -- in effect actually expanding your identity like an accordion to accept the other and include the other."

Watch Noa close the night with 'Shalom Shalom' >>

Still to Come: Secretary of State Antony Blinken

Secretary of State Antony Blinken

This morning, we're thrilled to be joined by Secretary of State Antony Blinken for an important keynote address from our main stage.

Today’s program will drill further into how the policy and political work of J Street, our partners and our elected leaders can help defend democracy, counter the extreme right, and pursue a more just, peaceful future for Americans, Israelis and Palestinians.

We'll feature panels with leaders from groups like Indivisible, End Citizens United, the Union for Reform Judaism and the Association for Civil Rights in Israel.

In our afternoon plenary, we’ll hear from a wide range of expert voices on the ground, including Israeli Labor leader Merav Michaeli, Hadash party leader Ayman Odeh and Major General Yair Golan of Meretz.

It’s not too late to register to join us virtually today. Email [email protected] for your virtual registration now. 

J Street's Work into 2023

As Jeremy made clear: While the hopes of resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict through a two-state solution may seem as far out of reach as ever since J Street was founded 15 years ago, that only makes our work more urgent -- particularly as Israel sits on the precipice of a Netanyahu-led, far-right-backed coalition government.

It's more important than ever that we push for American policy that is firmly opposed to occupation, settlement expansion and other right-wing steps that undermine US interests and values. More important than ever that we champion a vision for Israel as a secure, just and democratic homeland not just for the Jewish people, but for our shared Jewish values.

In 2023 and beyond, J Street will remain committed to ensuring the pro-Israel, pro-peace, pro-democracy Jewish majority is truly heard in Washington, and that Israel can never be used as an excuse to undercut our values or support anti-democratic candidates.

To support J Street’s vision for pro-Israel, pro-peace, pro-democracy leadership, please consider a contribution today >>

Thank you to everyone who made last night such a great kickstart to the conference. Looking forward to another great day today!

Logan Bayroff
VP of Communications, J Street

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© 2022 J Street | www.jstreet.org | [email protected]

J Street is the political home for pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans who want Israel to be secure, democratic and the national home of the Jewish people. Working in American politics and the Jewish community, we advocate policies that advance shared US and Israeli interests as well as Jewish and democratic values, leading to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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