If Twittergate tells is anything, it's the Democrat party breaks every law, violates our every freedom and inalienable right in order to get in power and stay in power - all in collusion with our most powerful intel and LE agencies. Election fraud is ...
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

For more information on any post below, click through to read the full article on our website.

Republicans Had More than 74% of Election Day Votes in Maricopa County – So Where Are Those Votes
If Twittergate tells is anything, it's the Democrat party breaks every law, violates our every our freedom and inalienable right in order to get in power and stay in powoer – all in collusion with our most powerful intel and LE agencies. Election ...

FBI as a Democrat Censor: Deposition Reveals Complex FBI Plot to Rig the 2020 Election
What redress do we have?

The Twitter Files and the FBI

The FBI as a Democrat Censor

By: Techno Fog, December 3, 2020:

In the event you missed last night’s thread of The Twitter Files, here it is:

To give a short explainer, the ...

The deceit, criminality, and sheer tyranny is overwhelming.

Those of us who dared to write these critical truths were abnned, scrubbed, censored from socila media platforms and the town square. Worse, we were smeared, slandered and libeled – ...

‘Chinese Propaganda Arm’ Using TikTok to Bash ‘Mostly Republicans’: Report
Is it any wonder the DCP (Democrat Communist Party) covers for the CCP (Chinese Communist Party)?

‘Chinese propaganda arm’ stealthily using TikTok to bash ‘mostly Republicans’: report

During the 2022 midterms, the state-run account ...

US Secretary of State Blinken to Headline Antisemitic J Street Conference
The Biden regime is consistent in its Jew hatred. Absolutely and utterly.


AIPAC Attacks J Street For Financial Backing from Nazi Collaborator George Soros
J Street President Jeremy Ben-Ami Kisses ‘Pay-for-Slay’ Terror Boss ...

‘This Was F–ked’: Elon Musk Releases Bombshell Docs Banning Hunter Biden Laptop Stories
‘Everyone knew this was f*cked.’

Elon Musk’s Twitter released internal discussions about banning the Hunter Biden laptop story Friday night to journalist Matt Taibbi.

If the AMERICAN PEOPLE all knew the TRUTH about the Hunter Biden ...

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