Chapters, Membership, National Conference, & Storytelling —
Here's what we accomplished in what comes next!
A Message from Executive Director John Winnett:
Happy New Year, John!
The SACNAS staff has returned from winter break, rested, rejuvenated, and ready for the year ahead!

This month, each of our departments and the leadership team are meeting to plan and strategize for 2020. We are excited to continue working with you to build #TrueDiversity in STEM. 

Diving in, I reflect on SACNAS’ amazing accomplishments in 2019. I am grateful to the staff, the Board of Directors, our inspiring members, and the incredible volunteers that actualize the SACNAS mission every day. 

Let’s take a moment to celebrate our collective accomplishments and use them to motivate us to reach even further and dream bigger. 

Here are a few highlights of what we achieved together:
  •  Chapters  hosted 4 regional meetings (Mid-Atlantic, Midwest, New England, and Southern California) to build localized community, develop peer-to-peer programming, and professional development. Learn more about this year’s regional meetings.
  •  Membership  increased by 42%! Nearly 2,500 new members joined a national network that is innovative, powerful, and inclusive. Join or renew today!
  •  2019 SACNAS - The National Diversity in STEM Conference  was...well...extraordinary. With 5,100+ attendees (23% growth), the conference in Hawaiʻi centered on science, culture, and community and provided the resources and encouragement for attendees to continue to pursue their respective STEM pathways. View the 2019 speaker playlist.
  •  You told your stories.  SACNAS President Dr. Sonia Zárate started a conversation, asking SACNISTAs to share stories of Belonging, Intersectionality, and Inclusion in STEM. Part 1 of the series (Belonging) was published on STEM + Culture Chronicle and six members shared their wisdom, advice, and resources for building confidence and a sense of place in STEM. Read now.
Our record-breaking year speaks to the commitment that our membership, volunteer leaders, and staff have to achieving #TrueDiversity in STEM. 

We have so many plans for 2020. Stay tuned for information on upcoming regional meetings, re-designed leadership programs, SACNAS membership 2.0, and more meaningful conversations and connection through articles, webinars, and events!

Working with the SACNAS community fills my team and I with commitment and purpose every day. We are moved by your brilliance, drive, perseverance, and dedication to honoring those who have gone before you and lifting up those who are coming next.  
As ever, SACNAS gets stronger when we work together!

In partnership,

John D. Winnett
SACNAS Executive Director
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