This is going to be one of the most expensive races in the country, folks. We’ve already heard Republicans like Mitch McConnell and Chris Christie are planning to spend big in Colorado and across the country.

But it’s about to get worse -- because a new analysis of our race just reported that they expect more than $100 million to be spent on TV and digital ads in this Senate race.

Here’s why: Republicans know Colorado is the single-best chance Democrats have of flipping a seat -- and we’re in the lead right now.

So, Trump and McConnell are going to spend, say, and do whatever it takes to attack John and tear down our campaign before it begins. We cannot let them get away with buying another Senate seat.

We need to be ready to fight back, so I’m asking you personally to make your first 2020 contribution of $10 or more to help us build a winning campaign here in Colorado that will flip this seat and take back the Senate for Democrats.

We can win this race because Coloradans are fed up with having a Senator who only works for Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell’s best interests instead of the interests of everyday folks. Even major election forecasters say this race is a “toss-up” because Coloradans are ready for change, and you bet we’re willing to fight for it.

With enough grassroots momentum, we can win in November. But that means we can’t afford to slow down -- not when the GOP is looking for any opportunity to attack us and tilt the balance of this election in their favor.

Will you make your first donation of 2020 to our campaign for U.S. Senate here in Colorado? This is going to be one of the most consequential election cycles of our lifetimes and we need to start the year off strong.

Thanks for pitching in, folks. Every donation means something to John and our team personally.

— Team Hick