Dear Friend,
Despite the disappointment of not being able to host an in-person Unity conference this December we believe that our planned panels are too important to wait until we can meet again. Because of that we have decided to produce the same panels but host them in an online webinar.
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The silver lining of this shift to a webinar is that we can offer a new online ticket that will still get you access to all this great content, but at a much lower cost. Plus, each panel will be followed by 30 minutes of Live Q&A with the presenters, so that you can get all your burning questions answered.
Going along with our theme of celebrating 20 years of advocacy, out panels center around the timeline of Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow.
- Yesterday- How Advocates Helped Change the Conversation of Medical Cannabis
Since 2002, ASA and our group of grassroots advocates have helped create the space for medical cannabis access. In this panel you will hear from past ASA members on the many obstacles that we had to fight through to get to where we are today.
- Today- What’s Working for Patients
Americans for Safe Access and countless other advocates have, through their dedication and courage, created a system of medical cannabis access across most of our country. US patients' ability to access cannabis is broader than ever before. This panel will discuss the elements of our current medical cannabis regime that are actually serving patients.
- Today- Current Challenges Faced by the Medical Cannabis Marketplace & Patients
While the political landscape is constantly changing around cannabis policy these advances are not always beneficial for patients and patient issues. In fact, patients are not only being left behind, in some arenas, they have been taken out of the conversation altogether.
- Tomorrow- The World We Envision, Safe and Affordable Access for All
While we struggle in the US to pass federal legislation, over 40 countries have passed federal medical cannabis programs. In this panel, experts from two of these countries will share their experiences in how they utilized research and clinical experience to integrate cannabis into their countries’ health care infrastructures.
We hope you’ll help us make the most of these panels by joining in and engaging with our incredible panelists and your fellow attendees.
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National Medical Cannabis Unity Conference
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Americans for Safe Access - 1629 K St NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20006-1631, United States
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