One thing is clear: we can’t afford to scale back our efforts now. 


We’ll start with the good news → Voter turnout is high. Reports show that Georgians are turning out in strong numbers to vote early! Voter turnout is going to be the key to sending Raphael Warnock back to the Senate for six more years, so it’s crucial we continue to help voters make their voices heard.

But we also have some bad news → Our latest polling shows that Sen. Warnock and his opponent Herschel Walker are in a statistical dead heat. Republicans are equally as motivated as Democrats to win this election and make up ground after their recent defeats in midterm races across the country. This race will be extremely close.

One thing is clear: we can’t afford to scale back our efforts now. The clock is running out, but there’s still time for us to ensure extremist anti-democratic candidates like Herschel Walker stay out of office—but we’ve got to keep our funding up in these final days.

Every donation helps get Sen. Warnock across the finish line. Can you chip in $20 or more today to fuel our efforts to reach more voters and fight for every ballot to be counted?


There’s no doubt that the stakes are high. Herschel Walker has been endorsed by Donald Trump himself and touts his far-right extremist agenda to his supporters. He has made it clear that, if elected, he will fight for the special interests of the wealthy few while attacking Georgians’ fundamental freedoms.

Senator Warnock is a proven voting rights champion and has spent the past two years fighting on behalf of our families, like when he secured infrastructure funding for Georgia and lower prices for prescription drugs so Americans can access affordable healthcare. It’s time we re-elect a candidate who wants to protect our freedoms, not roll them back.

Please contribute $20 right away to power our voter outreach efforts in the final days of the Georgia runoff and defend the freedom to vote in elections to come.

Thank you for everything,

The Fair Fight Team