Thanks, team! My team just finished crunching the numbers, and because of your support, we were able to hit our November fundraising goal.  

I know we sent you quite a few messages in the last few days of the month — I appreciate you bearing with us. It was thanks to folks like you pitching in to those emails that we were able to meet (and exceed!) our first end-of-month fundraising goal of the new election cycle. 

Some folks find it easy to get cynical about politics, but when I think about hard-working folks chipping in $10 here or $25 there to power an entire movement, I can’t help but be inspired. 

Thanks to you, I get to wake up every morning and get to work fighting to make life easier for Montanans. It’s an honor, and I’m proud to know that you’re with me every step of the way. 

Thank you for being part of the team. You make all of this possible. 
