Dear Friend,
I wish I could say I am surprised, but the NH House just passed another gun control bill. This is hardly the New Hampshire Way.
Unfortunately the gun control movement is not confined to New Hampshire. Advocates of ‘extreme risk protection orders’ argue that 17 other states have already implemented a policy “to temporarily limit a person’s access to firearms.” They cite places like DC as models for New Hampshire gun control policy.
Make no mistake, this is a national movement - and it must stop in NH. Support NHGOP today by donating $20.20, $25, $50, 100, or another amount ([link removed]) as we combat these national gun grabbing groups run by billionaires Michael Bloomberg and Tom Steyer.
The NHGOP is committed to countering the national money flowing into our State. Support that effort today. ([link removed])
There is too much to lose as these national groups descend on NH.
Stand with us today. ([link removed])
Rep Joe AlexanderNHGOP Finance Director
P.S. Did you see what Democrat Rep. Deb Stevens had to say about gun owners? Help us defeat these Democrats with an investment today. ([link removed])
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