TTP Sues TX Sec of State
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A little over a year ago, True Texas Project joined TURF and GAWTP to sue the Texas Secretary of State for misleading ballot language that led Texans to vote for their own tax increase... after they'd already voted it down. 

You can read about it here

After we filed our lawsuit, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton Paxton asked Travis County Democrat judges to rule that no citizen has the right to question any ballot language written by the legislature ever again!!! 

You can read about that here.

Our attorney has given us an update so we thought we'd share that with you...

The court rejected Paxton’s motion arguing that voters can never challenge state ballot language. But the court also did not summarily rule in our favor. This means the court needs more briefing before it makes a decision about whether to sustain or deny our challenge. The big takeaway is that Paxton’s bold argument against voters was thankfully rejected and we will fight on. We expect there will be appeals and ultimately this case will likely be presented to the Texas Supreme Court for a decision.

We are content so far, and we'll continue to keep you updated. 

There's so much True Texas Project does to fight for Texans!  If you like what we do on your behalf, please remember us in your end of year donations.  We could use the help!

I love working with this great group of patriots! Thank you!
Julie McCarty, CEO

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