
Former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley, one of the fiercest women in the American political scene, just released her new bestselling book, If You Want Something Done, championing bold trailblazing female leaders from across the political spectrum who have overcome big obstacles to achieve their dreams. 

You have a chance to meet Nikki Haley (virtually) and hear her awe-inspiring story during our December #IWReads Book Club.

I hope you’ll join me, Friend, as we read and discuss this powerful new book on Friday, December 16 @ 1:00 p.m. ET. 
Hear directly from Nikki Haley about: 
  • her personal upbringing and how she found her path to shine, 
  • what inspired her to write this book, and 
  • what she hopes others find through reading it.  
  • Plus, we will be fielding your questions!
Register Today
This event is part of the #IWReads series. Friend, as a special part of our IW community, we hope you take advantage of this exclusive opportunity.

Register today for this virtual book club event to reserve your spot.

Then grab your copy of If You Want Something Done.  

Thanks, and happy reading!

Heather Higgins