December 2, 2022
John –
We hope you had a fantastic
Thanksgiving. This holiday season, we are thankful for all of our
volunteers and grassroots leaders who are the heart of our
conservative movement – and who helped us win in key races across the
state and re-elect Senator Ron Johnson despite over $100 million in
out-of-state liberal spending.
Take a look at what we’re working
on below, and as always, thank you for all you do.
- Team WisGOP

Are you tired of liberals imposing
their far-left ideology on our schools and local governments? The
single best way to make an impact on your community is by running for
local office. Nomination papers are already being circulated for the
2023 spring election, but there is still time to make sure you can
participate. Take a look at our 2023 local candidate trainings on our
website here to find an event that works with your
schedule and learn how to get started.

With two fringe-left judges already
in the race and Democrats ramping up attacks on social media, the 2023
election for Wisconsin Supreme Court is already under way. Electing
judges who will interpret the law as written and won’t legislate from
the bench is always important – but this election is more important
than ever, as it will determine the ideological balance of the court.
No matter who liberals nominate in the primary, we know that they will
use the bench to impose their agenda in our state’s highest court, and
we can’t let that happen. Sign up to volunteer to get involved
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