
In Canada we have this bizarre pride in our healthcare system.

Canadians love to look down their noses at Americans and flaunt our access to “free” healthcare.

But the truth is our healthcare system is deeply dysfunctional and in desperate need of reform.

Unbelievable ER wait times, unreasonable surgery wait lists, shortages of nurses and doctors, unsustainably ballooning healthcare costs.

The list goes on and on.

But by far the most disturbing development has been the rise of Canada’s radical euthanasia program, or Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) as they call it.

When euthanasia was initially legalized in 2016, it was only available to terminally ill adult patients looking to die with dignity.

But in March 2021 the Trudeau Liberals amended the bill to expand its access to people with chronic pain and mental health issues.

Canada has quickly become a world leader in expanding this disturbing practice and making it easier to access, outpacing countries like Belgium and the Netherlands where it has been legal for 20 years.

In the last few months there have been viral stories of euthanasia being recommended to veterans coping with PTSD and to homeless people.

Last month, Quebec-based retailer, Simons, released, and then removed a disturbing ad campaign glorifying euthanasia, after I and others expressed outrage.

John, what is happening to our country?

What kind of society encourages vulnerable people to end their lives instead of protecting them? Especially our veterans who risked everything to keep us safe.

Do we have Healthcare or Deathcare in this country?

I’m scared for the future of our society. A society that values death over life is one trending to its own demise.

We need strong leaders in this country to stand up for pro-life values.

To stand up for our people, especially the most vulnerable.

John, donate $10 today to help me assemble a team of strong leaders to take this country back from the morally corrupt establishment.

Thank you,

P.S. If you have trouble finding where you can donate, you can just click this link!


People's Party of Canada
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