With limited spots available, buy your ticket for our exclusive Potrero Yards tour today!

In honor and celebration of our members, San Francisco Transit Riders will be hosting an exclusive tour of Potrero Yards for SFTR members on December 15! The tour begins at 3:30pm, and children are welcome – but be sure to wear close-toed shoes! You will also receive a small token of appreciation gift from Muni! This is part of SFTR's End of the Year fundraiser, and you do not need to be an active member to join us! But buying a ticket for $45 also gets you an SFTR year-long membership, and a seat at the table when it comes to transit conversations, policy decisions, and more! The first tour will start at 3:30pm and the second will start at 3:45pm (we will split up into groups once there). 

Potrero Yard was built back in 1915, but is currently too small to accommodate the growing fleet of San Francisco Transit vehicles, and cannot be retrofit for new technologies. The tour will take us through the plans for the new and improved Potrero Yard, and we'll learn more about the history of transit in San Francisco, and see where the future is taking us. 


And don't miss out on our celebratory happy hour after the tour!

After the tour, we will head over to Southern Pacific Brewing for a happy hour where we can mix and mingle and talk Potrero Yards, transit, and more! Happy hour is covered in the tickets for the tour.


John- Become a member todayYour membership provides access to member benefits, special access to events, opportunities to inform our priorities, and to help us lead the fight for Muni funding!


P.O. Box 193341, San Francisco, California  94119 [email protected]

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