We Each Have a Choice

Karen and Jay share thoughts on choosing to excel – and in this video even reference the advice of Coach Nick Saban of Alabama on the concept of ‘choosing to excel.’ Here’s a link to Coach Saban’s comments: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OU-FvZeAFTA Enjoy Karen and Jay’s thoughts above.

It’s really up to you. Your life; your decision. Will you choose to excel? Be the best you can possibly be? Or will you be satisfied to settle in and accept being ‘just average?’ The truth is that none of us are under any obligation to choose excellence. In fact, it takes enormous commitment, focus and intensity to achieve excellence. Moreover, it requires living up to high personal standards and a consistent effort over an extended period. So, understandably, you may not choose this path.

However, if you do commit yourself to excellence, the rewards can be breathtaking. And I’m not referring to the material rewards. Although these most likely flow in your direction. Nor am I referring to the fact that you will undoubtedly earn respect from those with whom you interact and be held in high esteem. Instead, what I am referring to is internal. It’s that sensation deep within your soul. It’s the feeling of self-pride. It’s knowing that you are exerting all your efforts to be all that you can possibly be; to do all that you can possibly do; and that you are achieving the fullness of your god given potential.

Think about the last time you gave yourself a pat on the back for making progress on a goal, or even reaching one of your goals. At some point, we have all been told to ‘strive for perfection.’ There’s no better grade in school than 100 percent, and no better ranking on your annual performance evaluation than first amongst your peers. And whether you can achieve perfection, the truth is that the reward is in the effort – in setting the goal, striving mightily to excel and letting the chips fall where they may.

Think about it. If you choose to excel towards something each day for a year, you’ve taken 365 steps towards achievement. In our personal lives, the concept of incremental goal setting isn’t anything new. Looking to run a marathon? First, run a 5k. Want to lose 50lbs? Focus on that first 5. Multiple studies support setting goals that are specific, timely, actionable, and represent an incremental step towards the larger goal. Taking these actions leads to progressive achievements and higher success rates.

Take the concept of incremental goals and apply it to each thing you do. Something that seems straightforward at first glance may require multiple steps or have interconnected requirements. Each goal aims to move you forward while focusing on the result, so ensure the goal provides value and supports the result, rather than creating additional work. This focus on progress helps maintain forward momentum. By choosing to focus on progress and excelling, to achieve a desired result, you can reduce the stress of attempting to achieve perfection, increase your own morale, and build great habits for a better you!

Read The Report

‘Excellence’ in Name and More

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Fueled by Kids - Making the Difference

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Positive Profile of the Week: Chuck Morse - Driven to Excel

This week we are delighted to highlight one of the most highly respected and knowledgeable leaders in our state, a great friend and a man who personifies the commitment to excellence: Senate President, Chuck Morse.

Born in Salem, New Hampshire, Chuck is true New Hampshire through and through. He earned a Bachelor's Degree in Business from Plymouth State University, and after college, founded his family landscaping and gardening center, Freshwater Farms, which he has grown year after year. He and his wife, Susan, have one daughter, Emma, their pride and joy.

He started his journey in politics in 1998, winning election as a State Representative. Chuck then rose to the Senate serving from 2002 until 2006 and then rejoined in 2010. In 2013, he was elected President of the Senate and has become widely respected not only for his leadership of that body, but also for his deep and unparalleled knowledge of the state’s budget and fiscal issues.

Interestingly, as President of the Senate, Chuck is the second ranking office holder in state government, following only the Governor. In fact, on a few occasions, as President of the Senate, Chuck has ceremonially become the Governor of New Hampshire when the Governor has traveled out of state. Moreover, in the case of 2017, he was the acting Governor while the transition between Governor Hassan and Governor Sununu were taking place.

As Granite Staters we owe Chuck Morse great thanks for his selfless service to our state over the past several decades. He has also been an active and leading contributor to the Salem-Atkinson area and is well known for giving back and helping his neighbors. As he ends his term in the Senate this month, we congratulate Chuck for all that he has done and know that he will continue to lead, to serve and be a role model for all those who strive for excellence in their personal and professional lives.

Quote of the Week

“If you are going to achieve excellence in big things, you develop the habit in little matters. Excellence is not an exception, it is a prevailing attitude.”

Colin Powell

Jay Lucas | www.JayLucas.us

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