Jan 7–Enormous demonstrations in Iran, Iraq and region-wide are expressing anti-imperialist rage, and signaling a new day, a rebirth of mass movements that will drive the U.S. out of the region. Philadelphia, Jan. 4. A criminal U.S. act has kindled this firestorm. On Jan. 2, U.S. imperialism pushed its aggressive . . .
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Just days into the new year and a new decade, on Jan. 4, tens of thousands of protesters took to the streets in 80 cities across 38 states to demand U.S. out of Iraq and no war or sanctions on Iran. Many activists described the massive turnout as the largest . . .
Continue reading Coast to coast U.S. protests demand: “U.S. out of Iraq! No war or sanctions on Iran!” at Workers.org
The gangsters in the White House and the Pentagon are responsible for the targeted assassination of a top representative of a sovereign government. The target, Qassem Soleimani of Iran, was on a peace mission that the U.S. president was aware of and had encouraged. Trump has now followed up . . .
Continue reading WW editorial: No war on Iran! U.S. out of Iraq! at Workers.org
The White House and the Pentagon, with their totally illegal assassination of Iran’s leading general, Qassem Soleimani, have opened up a new era of confrontation that could plunge the Middle East into more war, suffering and devastation. As the U.S. rushes thousands more troops to the area, the cost of . . .
Continue reading Undeclared war is real war: WW editorial at Workers.org
Publicado el 1 de enero, antes del asesinato mayor general iraní Qassem Soleimani por un ataque aéreo estadounidense. La Casa Blanca está utilizando una manifestación masiva en la fortaleza militarmente defendida de la Embajada de los Estados Unidos en Bagdad, Iraq, para amenazar con otro ataque contra Irán. ¿Cuál es . . .
Continue reading ¡Saquen a los EE.UU. de Iraq! ¡No a la guerra contra Irán! at Workers.org
Toda la estructura del sistema financiero mundial, donde cada día, billones de dólares, euros y yuanes se desplazan de un banco a otro, de particulares a empresas, y de todo tipo de instituciones, aún refleja la dominación del dólar estadounidense. Según el Banco Mundial, el 50 por ciento de todos . . .
Continue reading El imperialismo EE.UU. usa dólares para gobernar economía mundial at Workers.org