Did you read Mary Gay’s email? TL;DR: Democrats can win in Georgia and re-elect Senator Warnock, but not without your help. We only have a few days remaining for voters to head to the polls and we’re asking you to commit to one action this weekend: make calls to Georgia voters or donate to Team Warnock to power their message.

Did you read Mary Gay’s email? TL;DR: Democrats can win in Georgia and re-elect Senator Warnock, but not without your help.

We only have a few days remaining for voters to head to the polls and we’re asking you to commit to one action this weekend: make calls to Georgia voters or donate to Team Warnock to power their message.

  Phone Bank for Warnock  
  Rush a Donation  

This is the only race left, national Republicans have their sights set on this seat — we’ve got the power to stop them if we act now.



Begin forwarded message:

Mary Gay Scanlon for Congress

There’s just one week until voters head to the polls in Georgia’s Senate runoff!

Now that we’ve lost our majority in the House, we must do everything in our power to help Senator Warnock on the ground in Georgia, to keep a true fighter in office and boost our majority in the Senate.

Dark money groups have pledged to spend over $3 million dollars on ads and are mobilizing their voters for Warnock’s far-right opponent as we speak. Reverend Warnock has served Georgia well and proven time and again he’ll stand for what’s right. Here’s what you can do this week to help Team Warnock:

There are over 7 million active voters in Georgia and it’s on us to make sure they know when, where, and how to vote ahead of Tuesday’s runoff. We all need to do our part to help get out the vote in Georgia — sign up here and invite a friend or family member and sign up for a shift together.

  Phone Bank for Warnock  

Can’t commit your time this week? Donate directly to the Warnock campaign. This race is so close and we cannot let up. We must keep the pressure on the extremist GOP and turn out voters — help Team Warnock keep up the momentum in the home stretch of this campaign.

  Rush a Donation  

Should he win, Senator Warnock will give Democrats the critically important 51st vote in the Senate. Just as important, the people of Georgia deserve a senator who will put their needs first and fight for them in office. The next two years in Congress are not going to be easy and re-electing Senator Warnock is central to our success.

I’m more inspired than ever to keep fighting to get Senator Warnock re-elected next week. I hope you’re with me, John!

— Mary Gay



Congresswoman Mary Gay Scanlon is a life-long advocate for children and families. In November 2018, she was sworn into Congress following a special election victory - the first woman of the new wave of representation to be sworn in. 
Now, help keep her in office by donating to her reelection campaign.

Paid for by Scanlon For Congress

Scanlon For Congress
PO Box 263
Swarthmore, PA 19081
United States

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