
The Jewish Policy Center Proudly Presents

The Issues Issue


Our Winter 2020 issue features:

An inFOCUS interview with Prof. Stephen Farnsworth

Gridlock: From Liberty’s Shield to Sword for the Status Quo - Roger Pilon
Recovering the Case for Capitalism - Yuval Levin
Is There a Demographic Glide Path in American Politics? - Richard Baehr
Vaping, Marijuana, and Government Regulation - Lucas Drill and Paul J. Larkin Jr.
WMD and Delivery Systems: A Growing Threat - Peter Brookes
The Democrat Party’s Third Rail: Israel - Lauri B. Regan
Narcotics Trafficking: A National Security Issue - Jeremiah Rozman
It’s Time to Make Congress Great Again - William Yeatman
Bernie Should Be Grateful We Don’t Have ‘Medicare for All’ - John Merline
Indigenous Peoples Using Fire For Agroforestry - Jane Braxton Little
Eric Rozenman reviews The Utopian Conceit and the War on Freedom

JPC Executive Director Matthew Brooks says, "Senators, Congressmen and even the president do not go to Washington to rule over us, even if sometimes they think they do. We the People send them there to represent us and our interests. And as we enter what promises to be a year of frenzy, partisanship, and personal assault therefore, we focus on those interests and issues, not people."

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