
Let’s all just stop for a minute and reflect on what reaching the DNC donor threshold means for our campaign. 

After this week, the fall debate lineup is expected to be cut in half -- and people like you just guaranteed Cory is the seventh to make the cut. That means it’s official: We’re in this for the long haul.

But after some high fives and brief celebratory dancing, I told the team that now is not the time to take our foot off the gas. The truth is we don’t have the fundraising advantages that some of the frontrunners have. We can’t snap our fingers and raise millions of dollars in a day. We refuse to owe political favors to corporate PACs, D.C. lobbyists, and pharma or fossil fuel execs in order to fund this campaign. 

That means we rely on supporters like you in moments like this. We’re building this campaign the right way, brick by brick from the grassroots up. And it’s working. 

On Wednesday, almost immediately after Cory leaves the debate stage, we’ll close the books on our monthly fundraising -- I want to wake up on Thursday and be able to make some smart, aggressive investments in the operation we’re building. 

So as you’re reading this, take a second to do a little dance (seriously, that part is totally necessary)... and then chip in to invest in the future of our campaign before our monthly deadline.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Donate $5 now --

Donate $35 now --

Donate $50 now --

Donate $100 now --

Donate another amount --

Finally, I want to say one more time that we wouldn’t be here without you. This success is thanks to all of the people who believe in what we’re creating together -- who believe in Cory’s uplifting vision of building a more fair and just country for everyone. 

I believe. Now let’s go make it happen.


Addisu Demissie
Campaign Manager
Cory 2020

P.S. I want to be clear about one last thing: After you chip in, it’s totally appropriate to keep on dancing.





Paid for by Cory 2020

P.O. Box 32009 Newark, NJ 07102 | All content © 2019 Cory 2020, All Rights Reserved.

Contributions or gifts to Cory 2020 are not tax deductible.

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