One day at a time
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Living in Recovery Essentials

Stay the course in 2020 with our recovery essentials kit

There's no telling what 2020 has in store for each of us, but we can prepare ourselves for the joys and hurdles ahead. 

We recommend keeping close Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, Twenty-Four Hours a Day, and the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous. These tried-and-true resources will provide wisdom, encouragement, serenity, and strength as we venture onward—one day at a time.

Twelve Step and Twelve Traditions

Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions

Deepen your understanding of the principles AA members follow in recovery. Learn more →

Twenty-Four Hours a Day

Twenty-Four Hours a Day

Relate the Twelve Steps to everyday life with this little black book of daily wisdom. Learn more →

Alcoholics Anonymous - Big Book

Alcoholics Anonymous Big Book

Keep the principles, history, and stories of AA close with this essential text. Learn more →

Questions? We're here to help. Call us at 800-328-0098.

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15251 Pleasant Valley Rd.
PO Box 11 RW19
Center City, MN 55012-0011
