Dear John,
Figuring out care for ourselves and our families is one of the hardest jobs out there. There are so many decisions to make but we're usually bound by very narrow monetary or support limits. Then, if we can’t make ends meet or our plans don’t work out, it can feel like we’ve failed.
It shouldn't be this hard.
We must be able to make the best choices for ourselves and our families without worrying about failing. Everyone should have access to quality child care, having a job with paid sick leave, or the ability to age in the dignity of our own home.
That’s why I and all the staff here at Caring Across are working hard to change the current care system in this country. Can we count on your support to help make that happen next year? Please contribute today to help us reshape the U.S. care system.

Family caregivers are already stretched thin trying to find consistent child care and in-home support for older and disabled family members.
Addressing our care needs will lower our out-of-pocket costs, shorten waiting lists, allow caregivers to take time from work without needing to quit, and create good jobs for care workers.
Our commitment to advancing investments in care at the federal and state level will continue, no matter what. There is so much at stake. Millions of us will continue to struggle to do what matters most: care for the people we love.
This is where you come in. Donate now to help further our work to win better care for all.
Your support today will make it possible for Caring Across to keep doing the work we need to change the landscape of care. I’m so thankful for your support.
With care,
Vanessa Butterworth, Senior Digital Director
Caring Across Generations