Funding Alert: November Issue
The Funding Alert is a free resource produced by Serve DC highlighting grant opportunities and resources for community-based, faith-based, 501(c)(3) nonprofits, and District government agencies. In response to the District’s current public health emergency, the Funding Alert also includes coronavirus (COVID-19) related funding opportunities!
For all current District Government agency grant opportunities, click here to visit the District Grants Clearinghouse.
For all current District volunteer opportunities, click here to visit the Volunteer and Donation Portal.
 Funding Feature
Mayor Bowser Invites Community Members to Apply for FY23 Building Blocks DC Gun Violence Prevention Grants.
(WASHINGTON, DC) – Today, Mayor Muriel Bowser and Linda Harllee Harper, Director of the Office of Gun Violence Prevention, are inviting District residents and community-based organizations to apply for up to $5,000 in Building Blocks DC Grants, administered by the Office of Gun Violence Prevention (OGVP) to support activities and programs aimed at creating a safer DC. The deadline to submit an application is 5:00 p.m. on Friday, December 2, 2022.
“A lot of people in our community want to be part of the solution. And when people want to help and they have a good plan for how they can help – we want to support them,” said Mayor Bowser. “These grants are about engaging our neighbors, helping people choose a better path forward, and healing our communities. If you’re passionate about building a safer DC, about saving lives, and about ending gun violence – and you have a big idea for how to do that, we want to hear from you.”
OGVP, in partnership with Progressive Life Center (PLC) and the Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services (DYRS), provides grants of up to $5,000 to implement innovative programming or activities to support reductions in gun violence. Individuals, community-based non-profit groups and organizations, clergy groups, or small businesses in the District are eligible to propose creative services related to community wealth, healing, and revitalization.
To date, Building Blocks has successfully awarded 137 grants totaling more than $1.5 million. The grants have funded activities related to leadership development, healing and mental wellness, neighborhood outreach, block cleaning, direct intervention, and more.
“Through this investment from the Mayor, we are able to support residents who want to make a difference in their communities,” said Director Harllee Harper. “This grant program is just one of the tools we use as we continue to identify solutions for making DC safer and stronger.”
For more information about eligibility and to download the grant application, visit
Serve DC Highlights!
We are hiring for our National Service Officer!
This position is located in the Executive Office of the Mayor, Office of Community Affairs, Serve DC -- The Mayor’s Office on Volunteerism. Serve DC is the DC Commission on National and Community Service. The mission of the DC Commission on National and Community Service is to strengthen and promote the District of Columbia’s spirit of service through partnership, national service, and volunteerism.
This position functions as National Service Officer, responsible for managing and convene National Service programs and initiatives for the district that are funded by the corporation for National and Community Services. The work involves overseeing and supervising the staff assigned to the office; developing and implementing strategies to engage persons and organizations in national service; and conducting on-going advocacy for participants in national service programs. Click the link below to appl
National Service Officer - Mayor's Office of Talent and Appointments (MOTA) - Career Page (
Board Position: 3-year Term on Serve DC's Commission for National and Community Service:
Serve DC is looking for engaged residents to join the Commission for National and Community Service. The Commission's purpose is to encourage community service and volunteer participation as a means of community and state problem-solving; to promote and support voluntary citizen involvement in government and private programs throughout the District of Columbia; to develop a comprehensive vision and strategic plan for community service initiatives in the District of Columbia; and to serve as the District's liaison between national and other state organizations in concert with the District of Columbia strategic plan.
Interested residents engaged in the nonprofit, youth, philanthropic, business, and labor communities are particularly encouraged to apply.