Please join our webinar, 2023 Landscape: Advancing Key Policies to Rein in Outrageous Health care costs, on Wednesday, December 7th from 3-4 ET to discuss priorities and action steps to combat industry abuses and rising health care costs in 2023.

We all know that big health care corporations are abusing the system, raising costs and crippling people’s ability to be healthy. Luckily, there are some real opportunities to make change in 2023, and beyond, that continue to move our system in a better direction.

We will talk about the growing consumer health care value movement in taking on industry abuses, key policy opportunities to watch in 2023, and opportunities for you to get in on the fight.
Register Here
We look forward to seeing you!


Mike Persley
Strategic Partnerships Campaign Manager
Families USA
Copyright © 2019 Families USA, All rights reserved.
Health Action Network

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