From Drugs library newsletter <[email protected]>
Subject HRB National Drugs Library e-newsletter November 18(11). New research
Date December 1, 2022 2:17 PM
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Our newsletter includes links to Irish and international publications related to alcohol, tobacco
and other drugs.

To view our entire collection of research and access our resources visit our website [
[link removed]
], Ireland's comprehensive substance use research library. And follow us on Twitter @HRBdrugslibrary
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]. For all recent additions see our recently added publications page [
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We have a new website resource: factsheets with HSE CHO area data [
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Irish-related publications
An integrative evidence review on service user participation in the design and delivery of drug
treatment, recovery and harm reduction services.
Pratschke, Jonathan et al (2022) Dublin: Health Research Board

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National Drugs Forum 2022 - speaker recordings.
National Drugs Forum 2022 – Building research capacity: knowledge for a safer future, 2 November
2022, Gibson Hotel, Dublin.

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Factsheet: Gambling - the Irish situation.
(2022) Dublin: Health Research Board

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Recreational use of nitrous oxide: a growing concern for Europe.
EMCDDA (2022) Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union

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‘As for dignity and respect…. me bollix’: a human rights-based exploration of service user
narratives in Irish methadone maintenance treatment.
Healy, Richard et al (2022) International Journal of Drug Policy, 110, (103901).

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The landscape of substance misuse and its impact on the communities of Tallaght’s Drugs and Alcohol
Task Force.
Fitzpatrick, Finbarr (2022) Dublin: Tallaght Drug & Alcohol Task Force.

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Saving lives, improving mothers’ care core report - lessons learned to inform maternity care from
the UK and Ireland confidential enquiries into maternal deaths and morbidity 2018-20.
Knight, Marian et al (2022) Oxford: National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit, University of Oxford

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Discussion document. Diversion for young adults ages 18-24 years. Initial outline of issues for
(2022) Dublin: Department of Justice

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Webinar: The importance of sleep for our teenagers 2022.
(2022) Planet Youth.

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Perceived discrimination among adolescents in Ireland.
Költő, András et al (2022) Health Education & Behavior, Early online. 10901981221133301

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The changing social worlds of 9-year-olds.
Smyth, Emer (2022) Dublin: ESRI

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An evidence review of behavioural economics in the justice sector.
Barry, Brian et al (2022) Dublin: Ireland. Department of Justice.

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Near FM audio interviews with people working in Task Forces and other alcohol and drug areas in
Prior, Darren J (2022)

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Impact of COVID-19 & response measures on HIV-HCV prevention services and social determinants in
people who inject drugs in 13 sites with recent HIV outbreaks in Europe, North America and Israel.
Wiessing, Lucas et al (2022) AIDS and Behavior, doi: 10.1007/s10461-022-03851-x

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Submissions from public consultation on the review of the sale of alcohol.
(2022) Dublin: Department of Justice

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Irish probable suicide deaths study - IPSDS 2015–2018.
Cox, Gemma et al (2022) Dublin: HSE National Office for Suicide Prevention.

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Drug-related and drug-misuse deaths 2021.
(2022) Belfast: Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency

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Drogheda implementation plan: 1st biannual progress report January - June 2022
(2022) Dublin: Department of Justice

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Understanding reoffending. Push factors and preventative responses.
Gough, Denis and Coghlan, Mean (2022) Dublin: Ireland. Department of Justice.

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Policing, Security and Community Safety Bill 2022 (draft).
(2022) Dublin: Department of Justice

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Annual report of the Joint Policing Committees 2021. Dublin City Council.
Chairperson of the Dublin City Joint Policing Committee (2022) Dublin: Policing Authority.

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Tallaght Drug and Alcohol Task Force strategic plan 2022-26.
(2022) Dublin: Tallaght Drug & Alcohol Task Force.

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Ballyfermot local drug and alcohol task force CLG annual report 2021.
(2022) Dublin: Ballyfermot Local Drug and Alcohol Task Force.

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Housing for all youth homelessness strategy 2023-2025. A 3-year strategy working towards ending
homelessness for young people aged 18-24 through prevention and exits; and improving the experience
of young people accessing emergency accommodation.
Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage (2022) Dublin: Government of Ireland.

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National Self-Harm Registry Ireland annual report 2020.
Joyce, Mary et al (2022) Cork: National Suicide Research Foundation.

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Coolmine annual report 2021.
(2022) Dublin: Coolmine

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Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions annual report 2021.
(2022) Dublin: Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions.

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National Traveller health action plan (2022-2027).
Department of Health, Health Service Executive (2022) Dublin: Health Service Executive.

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Health Products Regulatory Authority annual report 2021.
(2022) Dublin: Health Products Regulatory Authority.

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Activity of acute public hospitals in Ireland 2021 annual report.
Healthcare Pricing Office, Health Service Executive. (2022) Dublin: Health Service Executive.

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Belong To Youth Services annual report 2021.
(2022) Dublin: BeLonG To Youth Services

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Peter McVerry Trust annual report 2021.
(2022) Dublin: Peter McVerry Trust.

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International publications
Intercultural responses to drug-related challenges for refugees, migrants and IDPS: Handbook for
professionals working in the field of addictions with refugees, migrants, and internally displaced
Pompidou Group (2022) Strasbourg: Council of Europe.

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A systematic review of qualitative studies exploring lived experiences, perceived impact, and coping
strategies of children and young people whose parents use substances.
Muir, Cassey et al (2022) Trauma, Violence & Abuse, Early online. 15248380221134297.

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An umbrella review of the links between adverse childhood experiences and substance misuse: what,
why, and where do we go from here?
Grummitt, Lucinda et al (2022) Substance Abuse and Rehabilitation, 13. pp. 83-100.

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The co-occurrence of substance misuse, domestic abuse, and child maltreatment: Can Family Drug and
Alcohol Courts play a part?
Harwin, Judith and Barlow, Charlotte (2022) Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13. doi:

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Goal-directed and habitual control in human substance use: state of the art and future directions.
Doñamayor, Nuria et al (2022) Neuropsychobiology, pp. 1-15. doi: 10.1159/000527663

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Results and challenges of running the European Web Survey on Drugs in Luxembourg: a major
contribution to understanding the drugs situation, in Monitoring drug use in the digital age:
studies in web surveys.
Berndt, Nadine and Seixas, Rita (2022) Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.

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Who uses drug checking services? Assessing uptake and outcomes at English festivals in 2018.
Measham, Fiona and Simmons, Henry (2022) Drugs, Habits and Social Policy, Early online.

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Trends in the availability and types of drugs sold on the internet via cryptomarkets, October 2021 –
September 2022
Man, Nicola et al (2022) Sydney: National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre.

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Drug use patterns, harm reduction strategies and use of drug checking services in boom festival
Valente, Helena et al (2022) Drugs, Habits and Social Policy, Early online.

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The global state of harm reduction 2022
(2022) London: Harm Reduction International.

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Harm reduction and abstinence-based models for treatment of substance use disorders during the
COVID-19 pandemic: a global perspective.
Narasimha, Venkata Lakshmi et al (2022) BJPsych International, 19, (3), pp. 66-69. doi:

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Choice and Partnership Approach to community mental health and addiction services: a
realist-informed scoping review.
Campbell, Leslie Anne et al (2022) BMJ Open, 12, (10). doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-064436

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Evidence brief: psychedelic medications for mental health and substance use disorders.
Mackey, Katherine M et al (2022) Washington, DC: Evidence Synthesis Program, Health Services
Research and Development Service, Office of Research and Development, Department of Veterans

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Effects of media representations of drug related deaths on public stigma and support for harm
Sumnall, HR et al (2022) International Journal of Drug Policy, 111, (103909).

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What is in a name and other concerns about substance use language.
Applied Prevention Science International. (2022) APSI Prevention Nuggets

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National Mission on Drugs annual report 2021-2022
Health and social care, Population Health Directorate (2022) Edinburgh: Scottish Government

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Drug-related hospital statistics: Scotland 2021 to 2022
(2022) Edinburgh: Public Health Scotland.

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Scottish health survey.
(2022) Scotland. Health and social care, Population Health Directorate

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The 3Cs Framework for pain and unhealthy substance use: minimum core competencies for
interprofessional education and practice.
Holmboe, Eric et al (2022) NAM Perspectives, 2022. doi: 10.31478/202206a

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Investigating recovery from problem substance use using digital photovoice.
Smith, Emma et al (2022) Journal of Community Psychology, Early online.

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Using recovery management checkups for primary care to improve linkage to alcohol and other drug use
treatment: a randomized controlled trial three month findings.
Scott, Christy K et al (2022) Addiction, Early online. doi: 10.1111/add.16064

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Overview of drug markets in the European Neighbourhood Policy-South and Policy-East countries.
Regional reports.
EMCDDA (2022) Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union

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A scoping review of electroencephalographic (EEG) markers for tracking neurophysiological changes
and predicting outcomes in substance use disorder treatment.
Bel-Bahar, Tarik S et al (2022) Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 16. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2022.995534

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Patterns of health care use 5 years after an intervention linking patients in addiction treatment
with a primary care practitioner.
Iturralde, Esti et al (2022) JAMA Network Open, 5, (11). doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.41338

[link removed]
Integrated brief interventions for noncommunicable disease risk factors in primary care: the manual:
BRIEF project.
(2022) Copenhagen: World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe

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Investigating the sociodemographic and behavioural factors associated with hepatitis C virus testing
amongst people who inject drugs in England, Wales and Northern Ireland: A quantitative
cross-sectional analysis.
Yuan, Jin-Min et al (2022) The International Journal on Drug Policy, 109. 103821.

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Nitrous Oxide: a briefing for professionals
(2022) Manchester: Drug Watch.

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MAT standard 5 - towards implementation: the MAT standards webinar series.
(2022) Scottish Drugs Forum.

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Association of benzodiazepine treatment for sleep disorders with drug overdose risk among young
Bushnell, Greta A et al (2022) JAMA Network Open, 5, (11).

[link removed]
Comparing projected fatal overdose outcomes and costs of strategies to expand community-based
distribution of naloxone in Rhode Island.
Zang, Xiao et al (2022) JAMA Network Open, 5, (11). doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.41174

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Toxicological findings of self-poisoning suicidal deaths: a systematic review by countries.
Albano, Giuseppe Davide et al (2022) Toxics, 10, (11). doi: 10.3390/toxics10110654

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Non-fatal opioid overdose after release from prison among men who injected drugs prior to their
imprisonment: a prospective data linkage study.
Curtis, Michael et al (2022) The Medical Journal of Australia, Early online.

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Association of opioid and stimulant use disorder diagnoses with fatal and nonfatal overdose among
people with a history of incarceration.
Palis, Heather et al (2022) JAMA Network Open, 5, (11). doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.43653

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The opioid epidemic: A worldwide exploratory study using the WHO pharmacovigilance database.
Robert, Marion et al (2022) Addiction, Early online. doi: 10.1111/add.16081

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Effect of medication optimization vs cognitive behavioral therapy among us veterans with chronic low
back pain receiving long-term opioid therapy: a randomized clinical trial.
Bushey, Michael A et al (2022) JAMA Network Open, 5, (11). doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.42533

[link removed]
Trends in the use of opioids vs nonpharmacologic treatments in adults with pain, 2011-2019.
Pritchard, Kevin T et al (2022) JAMA Network Open, 5, (11). 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.40612

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A wastewater-based evaluation of the effectiveness of codeine control measures in Australia.
Tscharke, Benjamin J et al (2022) Addiction, Early online. doi: 10.1111/add.16083

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Surveying over the counter and prescription only medication misuse in treatment services during
Gittins, Rosalind et al (2022) Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment, 16.

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Association of pharmacological treatments and hospitalization and death in individuals with
amphetamine use disorders in a Swedish nationwide cohort of 13 965 patients.
Heikkinen, Milja et al (2022) JAMA Psychiatry, Early online. doi: 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2022.3788

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Does cannabidiol make cannabis safer? A randomised, double-blind, cross-over trial of cannabis with
four different CBD:THC ratios.
Englund, Amir et al (2022) Neuropsychopharmacology, Early online.
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Applications of technology in the assessment and treatment of cannabis use disorder.
Brezing, Christina A and Levin, Frances R (2022) Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13. doi:

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The effect of prenatal cannabis exposure on offspring preterm birth: a cumulative meta-analysis.
Duko, Bereket et al (2022) Addiction, Early online. doi: 10.1111/add.16072 (In Press)

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Cannabis use, abuse and dependence during the COVID-19 pandemic: a scoping review.
Bonnet, Udo et al (2022) Journal of Neural Transmission, doi: 10.1007/s00702-022-02564-8

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Concurrent validity of the marijuana purchase task: a meta-analysis of trait-level cannabis demand
and cannabis involvement.
González-Roz, Alba et al (2022) Addiction, Early online. doi: 10.1111/add.16075

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Recreational cannabis legalization alters associations among cannabis use, perception of risk, and
cannabis use disorder treatment for adolescents and young adults.
Mennis, Jeremy et al (2022) Addictive Behaviors, 138. p. 107552.

[link removed]
Association of recreational cannabis legalization with alcohol use among adults in the US, 2010 to
Macha, Vandana et al (2022) JAMA Health Forum, 3, (11). doi: 10.1001/jamahealthforum.2022.4069

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Chest CT findings in marijuana smokers.
Murtha, Luke et al (2022) Radiology, doi: 10.1148/radiol.212611

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Sex differences in the neuropsychiatric effects and pharmacokinetics of cannabidiol: a scoping
Matheson, Justin et al (2022) Biomolecules, 12, (10). doi: 10.3390/biom12101462

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Effects of prenatal alcohol and delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol exposure via electronic cigarettes on
motor development.
Breit et al (2022) Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research, 46, (8), pp. 1408-1422.

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Evaluating the impact of Minimum Unit Pricing (MUP) on sales-based alcohol consumption in Scotland
at three years post-implementation.
Giles, Lucie et al (2022) Edinburgh: Public Health Scotland.

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MUP evaluation evidence synthesis protocol.
Beeston, Clare et al (2022) Edinburgh: Public Health Scotland

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Evaluating the impact of MUP on alcohol products and prices.
Ferguson, Karl et al (2022) Edinburgh: Public Health Scotland

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Interventions for improving executive functions in children with foetal alcohol spectrum disorder.
Lee Betts, Joseph et al (2022) Campbell Systematic Reviews, 18, (4).

[link removed]
Effect of selective personality-targeted alcohol use prevention on 7-year alcohol-related outcomes
among high-risk adolescents: a secondary analysis of a cluster randomized clinical trial.
Newton, Nicola C et al (2022) JAMA Network Open, 5, (11).

[link removed]
Increased alcohol-specific mortality in Germany during COVID-19: State-level trends from 2010 to
Kilian, Carolin et al (2022) Drug and Alcohol Review, Early online.
[link removed]

[link removed]
Gender self-concept and hazardous drinking among sexual minority women: Results from the Chicago
health and life experiences of women (CHLEW) study.
Kidd, Jeremy D et al (2022) Addictive Behaviors, 132. 107366.

[link removed]
Estimated deaths attributable to excessive alcohol use among US adults aged 20 to 64 years, 2015 to
Esser, Marissa B et al (2022) JAMA Network Open, 5, (11).

[link removed]
All-cause and liver-related mortality risk factors in excessive drinkers: analysis of data from the
UK biobank.
Whitfield, John B et al (2022) Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research, Early online. doi:

[link removed]
All alcohol exposure counts - testing parental, older sibling, best friend, and peer exposure on
young adolescent drinking in a seven-wave longitudinal study.
Cook, Megan et al (2022) Addiction, Early online. doi: 10.1111/add.16073 (In Press)

[link removed]
Sober curiosity: a qualitative study exploring women’s preparedness to reduce alcohol by social
Lunnay, Belinda et al (2022) International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19,

[link removed]
A public health perspective on alcohol establishments: licensing, density and locations.
(2022) Geneva: World Health Organization.

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Turning down the alcohol flow. Background document on the European framework for action on alcohol,
(2022) Copenhagen: World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe

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People, planet, or profit: alcohol’s impact on a sustainable future.
Roberts, Jem et al (2022) London: Institute of Alcohol Studies.

[link removed]
Looking back, looking forward: current medications and innovative potential medications to treat
alcohol use disorder.
Mason, Barbara J (2022) Alcohol Research: Current Reviews, 42, (1). doi: 10.35946/arcr.v42.1.11

[link removed]
Alcohol sponsorship of football. Examining the nature of sponsorship relations for professional
football teams across countries with varied restrictions on alcohol marketing.
Purves, Richard I et al (2022) Edinburgh: Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems.

[link removed]
Drinking and swimming around waterways: the role of alcohol, sensation-seeking, peer influence and
risk in young people.
Leavy, J E et al (2022) PLoS ONE, 17, (11). doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0276558.

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Towards an ontology of identity-related constructs in addiction, with examples from nicotine and
tobacco research.
Notley, Caitlin et al (2022) Addiction, Early online. doi: 10.1111/add.16079

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Cigarette smoking and asthma.
Thomson, Neil C et al (2022) The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. In Practice, 10, (11),
pp. 2783-2797. doi: 10.1016/j.jaip.2022.04.034

[link removed]
Within-person associations of escalated electronic nicotine delivery systems use with cigarette,
alcohol, marijuana, and drug use behaviors among U.S. young adults.
Han, Dae-Hee et al (2022) Addiction, Early online. doi: 10.1111/add.16082

[link removed]
The right side of history: the global state of tobacco harm reduction 2022.
(2022) London: Knowledge-Action-Change

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E-cigarette aerosol exposure of pulmonary surfactant impairs its surface tension reducing function.
Graham, Emma et al (2022) PLoS ONE, 17, (11). doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0272475

[link removed]
Nicotine addiction and intensity of e-cigarette use by adolescents in the US, 2014 to 2021.
Glantz, Stanton et al (2022) JAMA Network Open, 5, (11). doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.40671

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Cigarette pack size and consumption: a randomized cross-over trial.
Lee, Ilse et al (2022) Addiction, Early online.

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NDARC webinar series presentation. Reaching smoke-free: how can we improve smoking cessation
Tidly, Bernadett (2022) National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre.

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Associations between playing free-to-play sports gambling predictor games and online sports betting
frequency for men in the United Kingdom.
Wilson, Charley and Butler, Nadia (2022) Journal of Public Health, Early online.

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Cognitive functioning and social networking sites addiction - a review
Cudo, Andrzej et al (2022) Psychiatria polska, 56, (3), pp. 471-491

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Public health approaches and policy changes after the inclusion of gaming disorder in ICD-11: global
Long, Jiang et al (2022) BJPsych International, 19, (3), pp. 63-66. 10.1192/bji.2021.57

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ADHD-gaming disorder comorbidity in children and adolescents: a narrative review.
Salerno, Luana et al (2022) Children, 9, (10). doi: 10.3390/children9101528

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One-in-10 babies are born with some kind of foetal alcohol disorder in Ireland every year, says HSE.
[] O'Regan, Eilish (28 Nov 2022)

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Labour Party calls for decriminalisation of drugs for personal use.
[Irish Times] (25 Nov 2022)

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Increase in use of laughing gas among young people, warn gardaí.
[] Blaney, Amy (25 Nov 2022)

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Gino Kenny: It's time to decriminalise the possession of cannabis for personal use.
[] Kenny, Gino (24 Nov 2022)

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Government agrees to further regulation of e-cigarettes.
[Department of Health] (22 Nov 2022)

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Many teenagers now using dark web to buy drugs - detective.
[Irish Times] Power, Jack (19 Nov 2022)

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Codeine crisis: Over the counter sales of certain painkillers to be banned under new plan to tackle
[Irish Sun] Higgins, Adam (16 Nov 2022)

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'The level of sickness we're seeing is massive': a day on addiction outreach in Limerick city.
[] Brophy, Daragh (16 Nov 2022)

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Government approves publication of the Gambling Regulation Bill.
[Department of Justice] (15 Nov 2022)

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Almost half of people think allowing nightclubs to stay open until 6am is a bad idea.
[Irish Examiner] Halpin, Hayley (14 Nov 2022)

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Bill to be introduced that would legalise personal use of cannabis.
[] Barry, Aoife (12 Nov 2022)

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Ireland geared to addiction treatment but not recovery, expert claims.
[Irish Examiner] Baker, Noel (10 Nov 2022)

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Court dismisses challenge to ban on selling products containing THC.
[] O'Faolain, Aodhan (09 Nov 2022)

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Concern over increasing prevalence of drug-related ‘cuckooing’.
[Irish Times] Power, Jack (09 Nov 2022)

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Addicts caught with cocaine or ecstasy ‘should be cautioned and not charged’ says drugs strategy
[Irish Independent] Coyne, Ellen (04 Nov 2022)

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Tougher cannabis laws impact occasional users but not frequent drug takers.
[Irish Examiner] O'Keeffe, Cormac (03 Nov 2022)

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Minister McEntee to reform Ireland’s antiquated licensing laws.
[Department of Health] (25 Oct 2022)

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Dail Debates
Oireachtas debates
Misuse of Drugs (Cannabis Regulation) Bill 2022: First Stage. [
[link removed]
] (24 Nov)
Written answer 156 - Substance misuse [58329/22] [nitrous oxide]. [
[link removed]
] (23 Nov)
Seanad Éireann debate. Public order and safe streets: statements. [
[link removed]
] (23 Nov)
Written answer 570 – Gambling sector [58040/22]. [
[link removed]
] (22 Nov)
Written answer 598 - Health service [57412/22] [Family support]. [
[link removed]
] (22 Nov)
Written answer 599 - Health service [57413/22] [Public Health]. [
[link removed]
] (22 Nov)
Written answer 741 - Alcohol advertising [58069/22]. [
[link removed]
] (22 Nov)
Written answers 597 & 722 - Health services [57411/22, 58035/22] [Task force funding]. [
[link removed]
] (22 Nov)
Dublin City safety initiatives and other services: statements. Vol. 1029 no. 5. [
[link removed]
] (17 Nov)
Written answer 305 - Departmental reports [57177/22] [NICDATF]. [
[link removed]
] (17 Nov)
Extension of Civil Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2021: Motion. Vol. 1029 no. 4. [Alcohol]. [
[link removed]
] (16 Nov)
Seanad Éireann debate. Vaping: Motion. Vol. 290 no. 1. [
[link removed]
] (16 Nov)
Topical issue debate - Horse racing industry. Vol. 1029 no. 3. [Gambling]. [
[link removed]
] (15 Nov)
Written answer 341 & 358 - School curriculum [56746/22, 56485/22] [Alcohol]. [
[link removed]
] (15 Nov)
Written answer 346 - School curriculum [56498/22] [gambling]. [
[link removed]
] (15 Nov)
Written answer 359 - Teacher training [56747/22]. [
[link removed]
] (15 Nov)
Written answer 498 – Substance misuse [56131/22] [Oversight]. [
[link removed]
] (15 Nov)
Written answer 577 - Substance misuse [56590/22]. [Pregabalin deaths]. [
[link removed]
] (15 Nov)
Other questions 7 - Road safety [55358/22]. Vol. 1029 no. 2. [
[link removed]
] (10 Nov)
Written answer 119 - Illicit trade [55872/22] [Alcohol & tobacco]. [
[link removed]
] (10 Nov)
Written answer 247 – School curriculum [Industry funded alcohol programmes in schools] [55942/22]. [
[link removed]
] (10 Nov)
Written answer 257 - Crime prevention [54366/22] [Seizures]. [
[link removed]
] (08 Nov)
Written answer 522 – Education policy [gambling] [54275/22]. [
[link removed]
] (08 Nov)
Written answer 544 – Education policy [Vaping] [54425/22]. [
[link removed]
] (08 Nov)
Written answer 810 - Substance misuse [54367/22]. [
[link removed]
] (08 Nov)
Written answer 863 – Alcohol sales [54732/22]. [
[link removed]
] (08 Nov)
Written answer 866 – An Garda Siochana [54831/22]. [
[link removed]
] (08 Nov)
Written answer 930 – Health promotion [Drugs and alcohol awareness programme funding] [54292/22]. [
[link removed]
] (08 Nov)
Written answer 970 – Healthcare policy [E-cigarettes] [54419/22]. [
[link removed]
] (08 Nov)
Joint Committee on Education, Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science debate.
Mental health supports in schools and tertiary education: discussion (resumed). [
[link removed]
] (08 Nov)
Select Committee on Justice debate. Criminal Justice (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2022: Committee
stage. [
[link removed]
] (08 Nov)
read more
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