Join us for the St Annâs Christmas lights switch on and fair on Friday 9Â December 2022 from 3:30pm - 6.30pm at The Chase, Neighbourhood Centre and St Ann with Emmanuel Church, sponsored by the St Anns Ward Councillorâs.
Come along for FREEÂ festive fun!
- Carols around the tree with the support of local school children đ
- Church choir and local performers đ¤
Free refreshments â
- Stalls and craft activities ď¸
- Hook a duckÂ
- Small fair rides, entertainment and Santaâs Grotto đ
Join in with us to get the Christmas season off with a brilliant start, we hope to see you there!Â
Your St Annâs Councillors are aware of the hard choices facing residents this winter.Â
Through collaboration with other organisations, we have organised a number of warm spaces where families can go to keep warm.
Many of the warm spaces will provide:
- A FREE hot meal ď¸
Activities for children to keep them occupied đ§
We are also seeking to offer advice stalls to help direct people in the right direction for advice, depending on what that might be.Â
For more information and online support click here for more information on Ask Lion
Where can I find my nearest warm space?Â
- St Augustineâs Westville Gardens â Monday 12:00pm â 3:00pm â Soup and roll
- St Edwards Friary Building, 257 Gordon Road â 12:00pm â 3:00pm â Soup and roll
- The Chase: - Monday, Tuesday & Thursday 9am to 5pm. Wednesday 9am to 8pm (4pm to 8pm Bingo, Board Games, Soup & a roll). Friday 9am to 3pm
Wednesdays 10 am - 1pm
- Emmanuel Church
- Chase Neighbourhood Centre
- St Annâs Valley Library
- Community Recording Studio
- The salvation Army
Tea + Coffee mornings â
Tea and coffee mornings are in place across St Annâs for you to come and have a chat. These are operating from Grey Friars Pub, Emmanuel Church, The Chase Neighbourhood Centre.
Both the Chayah Project and the ACNA Centre have luncheon every Wednesdayâs for the community.
For further information and advice regarding staying safe eating keeping well and keeping warm, please contact Cllr Jenkins on 07903499340 or email: [email protected] Â
The BanksÂ
Your Councillors know the Banks are of huge concern to you. We have been working with Senior Officers to look at a long-term solution. The Banks have recently been cutback and are being cleared and cleaned. As soon as we confirm the long-term solution to the Bank, we will inform you.
Side Waste Collection
Councillors are discussing a new policy that is aimed at reducing side waste. Side waste is often the black bags left on the pavement on bin collection day.
Register your thoughts and concerns on have my say ď¸
St Annâs residents who are plot holders have been meeting regularly with their Councillor. Joint meetings have taken place with the Mapperley residents who are plot holders also. These meetings are well attended and allotment holders are seeking to become members of HDL who run the Allotment.Â
- The holders are also seeking to have a voice on the Communication Team.
- Allotment holders are waiting to hear from the HDL Board members on the interactive approach they can bring to the Board.
- Allotment Holders meet on a monthly basis.Â
The Ward Councillors funded and supported several summer events in the ward. One of the summer events was the Jelly Fish Theatre Events at Marion Park, where families came together on a warm summers day to enjoy outdoor theatre, activities and food.
The Ward Councillors funded and supported several summer events in the ward.Â
One of the summer events was the Jelly Fish Theatre Events at Marion Park, where families came together on a warm summers day to enjoy outdoor theatre, activities and food.
As Councillors we want to give a massive thank you to our local street scene colleagues, for the outstanding work they do in the Ward under very difficult circumstances. |
A great evening was had by everyone who attend the Halloween Talent Show at the ACNA Centre.Â
There was a great atmosphere with families enjoying food, drinks, fruit etc.Â
The talent show was a huge success with individual young talent receiving prizes.
Drop-in surgeries with your local Councillors are now taking place, why not come along to ask a question or share an idea on how to make St Ann's a better place to live.Â
- 1st Saturday of the month is King Edwards Park  10 to 11 am
- 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month at St Annâs Valley Centre 6 to 7pm
 Find a session near you by visiting the asklion website.Â
All sessions offer a warm welcome, entertaining outdoor activities and lots of fun! Please note: Places are limited and must be booked in advance. Every Holiday Activity Club listed on the website above will provide their contact details for you to book a place.
Not eligible for free school meals?
You can still visit the website above to find and book sessions near you. Some extra places will be available on a first-come- first served basis.
 Our Help & Support email gives you advice, tips and information on money, debts, energy bills, food banks and much more.Â
 Have your say on how waste and recycling is collected in Nottingham âťď¸
The UK Government has set a national target to increase the amount of waste recycled in England to 65%, while keeping waste that ends up in landfill below 10%. The Government is also introducing new collection rules for food waste and recycling to deliver more consistency across England.
To achieve these goals, the City Council is proposing new options for waste and recycling collections in Nottingham. These include:
- Working on initiatives to help people reuse and repair items rather than throwing them away
- Helping people to manage waste well and recycle the right things
- Starting food waste collections
- Making changes to how we collect recycling
- Offering smaller general waste bins
- Increasing our fleet of âalternative-fuelâ bin lorries
To help us shape the final strategy, we want you to tell us your thoughts on waste and recycling in Nottingham. Sharing your opinions will allow us to create a new strategy that works for the city.
 Find out more ď¸
 To read the latest edition of the Arrow magazine âď¸đ
 Click here ď¸
 For all the latest news from Nottingham City Council visit our website: www.mynottinghamnews.co.uk
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