Ukraine war brings a push for LGBTQ+ rights, but will it last?

Activists and experts say war can help build support for inclusion - but leaders are holding back on action


LGBTQ community can visit Qatar, but don't try to change us - minister

Members of the LGBTQ community can go to the World Cup in Qatar but the West cannot "dictate" to Qataris what they should believe, Qatar's energy minister said

Even as Singapore lifts gay sex ban, LGBT families feel little has changed

Singapore's parliament has voted to decriminalise gay sex, but many still worry LGBT families will still suffer under policies favouring heterosexual marriages

Japan court upholds ban on same-sex marriage but voices rights concern

A Tokyo court upheld a ban on same-sex marriage but said a lack of legal protection for same-sex families violated their human rights, a comment welcomed by plaintiffs

Factbox: Who are 12 U.S. Senate Republicans who voted to protect same-sex marriage?

Twelve Republican U.S. senators joined Democrats in voting to codify same-sex marriage in the United States

U.S. Rep. Cicilline runs for spot in Democratic leadership, seeking LGBTQ representation

U.S. Representative David Cicilline, a leading voice in Congress for gay rights, mounted a run for a Democratic leadership job, challenging Representative James Clyburn, a civil rights activist

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