Join a national network of SUPER MOMS across the country!
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Dear Friend,

Want to join a national power network of Super Mom leaders? 

And are you – or do you aspire to be – a volunteer community leader who can make change happen for your family and loved ones, for your community, and ultimately for the country and our shared future? Someone who, with a little guidance and support, can make BIG things happen? If so, then MomsRising wants to partner with you for mutual guidance and support to build power and make change!

Apply now to join our exciting volunteer Beacons of Hope Community Leaders Fellowship program. 

This past year, MomsRising piloted a national leadership development program both for moms who were already community leaders – and also for those who wanted to build their leadership skills. Moms in the program held postcard parties, organized meet-ups, participated in MomsVote text banking and on-the-ground voter engagement activities, delivered letters supporting gun safety laws to their lawmakers, and much more! The program was so successful that we will be launching it again in 2023! 

*This is a national network of SUPER MOMS! Interested? Apply now!

The volunteer Beacons of Hope Community Leaders Fellowship program will develop your leadership as you mobilize your local community to take action. The program will build power as participants form a national network of Super Moms who coordinate with and support each other to directly influence policy making. 

Apply now to join our exciting volunteer Beacons of Hope Community Leaders Fellowship program. 

MomsRising is looking for Super Mom volunteer leaders to help shorten the distance between moms’ voices on the ground and Washington, DC – Super Moms looking to unleash their organizing and leadership skills to create change. Are you interested?

Volunteer Program details:


We'll be reviewing applications, including scheduling follow-up interviews, over the next few weeks, with acceptances decided by late January. 

Please feel free to forward this email to other Super Moms who you think would be strong candidates for this program. 

Thank you for your interest, and for all you already do with MomsRising!

In power and solidarity,

- Gloria, Kristin, Jessica, Joy, Karen, Alin, Xochitl, Felicia, Monifa, and the whole MomsRising/MamásConPoder Team


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