Save Raphael Warnock, Blue Wave America

This is urgent, friend: We are about to miss our final end‑of‑month deadline to keep Georgia blue next week. If we miss our $1OO,OOO goal tonight, Democratic turnout could plummet in Georgia.
With just days to go, we’re counting on you to chip in right now and have a 200% IMPACT on our Georgia turnout organizers >>

200% IMPACT: Last call to keep Georgia blue >>

REMINDER: Winning in Georgia could prevent a Trump takeover in 2024!

REMINDER: The latest poll featured in Nate Silver’s 538 shows Raphael Warnock 1 POINT BEHINDwe could risk losing the race if we don’t pick up momentum!

Poll featured in 538, Georgia Runoff Election: Warnock 47% vs. Walker 48%

REMINDER: Republicans just pledged $2,OOO,OOO+ to crush Raphael Warnock's chances in the Georgia runoff.

So we must raise another $11,385 by MIDNIGHT to turn out a record number of Democratic voters to keep Georgia blue and EXPAND our Senate majority.

JUST FIVE DAYS LEFT, FRIEND. We can’t afford to fall even a dollar short. Chip in now >>

200% IMPACT: $5 >>
200% IMPACT: $25 >>
200% IMPACT: $50 >>
200% IMPACT: $100 >>
200% IMPACT: $250 >>

Donate now

There’s no time waste!

Blue Wave America

Thank you for supporting Blue Wave America, Friend. Together, we are fighting to elect Democrats nationwide - in every state, in every district, in every city!

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After Democrats historic victories in 2020, we know that there’s no such thing as a red district or a red county.

To save and expand our Congressional majorities, Democrats in red districts need to be shown that their vote counts!

That’s why we’re using our expert staff or organizers to invest in flipping rural seats blue. Our cutting-edge programs work to turn out Democrats and build on the progressive agenda we've fought so hard for. We CANNOT afford to lose!

If you really want to go, click here to unsubscribe from our activist list. If you’d like to chip in to help us elect our endorsed Democratic candidates, click here.

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