Thursday, December 1:
Join & support nationwide protests on the 1 year anniversary of the Supreme Court argument on overturning Roe. As RiseUp4AbortionRights says:
Women’s Lives Are in a State of Emergency!
From Atlanta to Washington DC late afternoon protests will sport Green 4 Abortion, calling for LEGAL ABORTION ON DEMAND & WITHOUT APOLOGY NATIONWIDE!
Thanks to everyone who donated to this week!
Your contribution to Refuse
Fascism helps expose, analyze and mobilize action against the very real threat of fascism coming to power in the United States.
Your donation of any amount will add up, with others' to strengthen this great cause.
Three ways to give:
Give $35 and get
2 Refuse Fascism beanies one for yourself and one to gift (be sure to include your shipping address)
Give $65 and get a copy of Refuse Fascism Editorial Board member Paul Street's book: It Happened Here: Amerikaners, Neoliberals and the Trumping of America (include shipping address.)

You may also donate via PayPal or make a tax-deductible online donation here.
Thank you!
Refuse Fascism national team
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