From Independent Institute <[email protected]>
Subject The Lighthouse: Real Progressivism? | Superabundance Not Overpopulation | NFTs for Everything?
Date November 30, 2022 11:35 PM
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Tally the reforms that come from either side of the political aisle. As it turns out, some of the most genuinely progressive ideas—such as school...

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November 30, 2022 • Weekly Newsletter
Why Do Progressives Support Democrats? Part 1 ([link removed])
John C. Goodman (Washington Examiner)
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Tally the reforms that come from either side of the political aisle. As it turns out, some of the most genuinely progressive ideas—such as school choice, retirement accounts, and freedom to work—didn’t originate with those calling themselves Progressives. READ MORE » ([link removed])
Why Do Progressives Support Democrats? Part Two ([link removed])
By John C. Goodman
There Are 8 Billion People. We Should Celebrate Superabundance, Not Lament ‘Overpopulation’ ([link removed])
Art Carden (Forbes)
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As of today, there are eight billion of us. Contrary to what the environmental movement tells us, that eight billionth person is a blessing, not a curse. While there is a new mouth to feed, there is a new brain and two new hands—a cause for celebration, not lamentation. READ MORE » ([link removed])
Beyond PoliticsThe Roots of Government Failure (Revised and Updated Edition) ([link removed])
By Randy Simmons
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NFTS: Like IPOs, but for Everything ([link removed])
Scott Beyer
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NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, are unique digital content that uses blockchain to certify ownership and originality. They were all the rage a year ago, just before the $12 billion bubble popped, leading many to abandon the prospects of this technology. However, NFTs have a promising future for equity long as they’re not quashed by regulators. READ MORE » ([link removed])
ChoiceCooperation, Enterprise, and Human Action ([link removed])
By Robert P. Murphy
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The GOP needs To Go Back to Sound Principles on Free Enterprise, Small Government, and Legal Immigration ([link removed])
Álvaro Vargas Llosa (Fortune)
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Where does the Republican Party go in the (for now) post-Trump Era? Will Republicans double down on big spending nationalist-populism, or take the opportunity afforded by the performance of Republican candidates in the recent midterm to move back towards a small government vision? READ MORE » ([link removed])
Global CrossingsImmigration, Civilization, and America ([link removed])
By Alvaro Vargas Llosa
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The Latest from The Beacon
* Why Does Who Replaces Dr. Fauci Matter So Much? ([link removed]) , by Raymond J. March
* How California Is Burning a $100 Billion Surplus ([link removed]) , by Craig Eyermann
* Spielberg Chooses Art Over Biography to Elevate The Fabelmans ([link removed]) , by Samuel R. Staley
* Mental Health Is in Crisis. What Is the Answer? ([link removed]) , by Raymond J. March
* The Pilgrims’ Real Thanksgiving Lesson ([link removed]) , by Benjamin Powell

The Latest from Catalyst
* Think Twice Before Pursuing a Career in Research ([link removed]) , by Daniel Șterbuleac
* Why Sam Bankman-Fried Sounded Like a Rand Villain ([link removed]) , by Jon Miltimore
* NFTS: Like IPOs, but for Everything ([link removed]) , by Scott Beyer

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