New on the County Channel
The internationally acclaimed Lightscape returns with stunning new installations along a new expanded trail. Wander through dazzling displays of color, light and sound that include the spectacular Winter Cathedral. For more information and tickets, click here.?
You can watch more stories like this on Channel 92 or 94 on most cable systems, or anytime here. Catch up on LA County Close-Up?here.
Top Stories
What To Do If You Have Covid-19
 Tested positive for Covid-19? If your symptoms are mild, here's how to manage them at home.?
- Determine isolation period and stay away from others.
- Determine and notify close contacts.
Medicate and Rest.?Drink plenty of fluids and take over the counter medicine such as Tylenol to help with fever and pain.
- Mask Up.
You may contact the LA County Public Health Hotline for any questions or concerns about COVID-19 at (833) 540-0473 between 8am-8:30pm, open 7 days a week. For more information and the full isolation guideline, visit
Stay in Touch: Contacting LA County
 Hey LA County?there?s a lot happening on Twitter these days, and lots of questions. But this platform is just one of the many ways you can connect with departments, programs, services and content from LA County!?
You can visit where you can access, request, report, register, apply and pay for programs and services offered by nearly 40 LA County departments.
- Our full Guide to County Services is available for you in English and Spanish
- You can watch all of our video content?from in-depth documentaries to weekly episodes of ?LA County: Closeup??on our YouTube Channel.
- We?re on other social platforms including Facebook, Instagram and TikTok.
- Browse thousands of photos of beauty shots, landmarks and the County at work on our Flickr page.
- And last but not least, get the latest from LA County delivered to your inbox by subscribing to our email newsletters.
In Case You Missed It
Adopt-A-Family Program
The Department of Public Social Services (DPSS) Toy Loan and Volunteer Services Program is gearing up to host the annual Adopt-A-Family Program, the much-anticipated holiday campaign to bring joy to over 1,000 low-income families receiving DPSS benefits and services.
The call is once again going out to encourage individuals and organizations to help make a difference in the community by supporting this worthwhile program. ?Sponsoring a family is a wonderful way to celebrate the true spirit of giving.
For over 30 years, the Adopt-A-Family Program has partnered with the community and generously sponsored families needing support during the holidays. Last year, the program provided gifts of clothing, toys, food, and other new items to approximately 1,800 families.
Sponsors may choose the size of the family, general location, and how many families they would like to sponsor. There is no limit to the number of families. Once matched with a family, the sponsor reviews the family?s wish list and decides what and how much to give.
Individuals or organizations interested in adopting a family may fill out an online sponsor application at The deadline to submit applications is Friday, December 9, 2022.
For more information, contact DPSS Volunteer Coordinator Brenda Gonzalez Camacho at [email protected]. ??
Justice, Care, and Opportunities Department Logo Design Contest
 The LA County Justice, Care and Opportunities Department (JCOD) invites you to help them create a new logo to raise the visibility of their new department and its services.
The first round of judging will take place on Thursday, December 15, 2022, with first, second and third?place winners announced later in the month. First place will be awarded $300, second?place $200 and third?place $100.
All entries must be submitted electronically, via email?to [email protected], no later than 5:00 P.M. Pacific Time on Monday, December 12, 2023. (See Contest Guidelines and Release Form for additional submission details, including suggested color palette).?
Email entries using the following subject line: JCOD Logo Contest Submission.
Please also include the following with your submission:
- Full name of the person who designed the logo
- Brief explanation of and inspiration behind the design?
- Signed release form?
All entries will become the property of JCOD. By submitting an entry, each entrant agrees that any and all intellectual property rights in the logo design are deemed assigned to JCOD and artist relinquishes all rights to the artwork upon?submission.?Click here for complete contest guidelines and release form.
At Your Service
You are invited to join Environmental Health at one of two virtual public meetings to learn more about changes to the plan check process.? Environmental Health will present an overview of the new bill, focusing on the changes for cart manufacturers and answer questions.
Meetings will be held online, and content will be the same at each meeting. The first meeting will be in English, and the second one in Spanish.
RSVP is encouraged, but not required.
RSVP here for the meeting in English on Monday, December 5, 2022
RSVP here for the meeting in Spanish on Monday, December 12, 2022
If you would like to receive information in another language, please email: [email protected]
Out and About
Los Angeles Pow Wow
The Los Angeles County and City Native American Indian Commission invites you to the Los Angeles Pow Wow at Yaagna Village.
Sat, December 3?
Grand Park 200 N. Grand Ave. LA CA 90012
This free event is open to all!
Photo Finish
 Photo: Mayra Beltran Vasquez / Los Angeles County
LA County Tree Lighting at Jerry Moss Plaza