⚽ 🇺🇸 Yesterday's World Cup match between the U.S. and Iran ended in a 1-0 victory for America. As we celebrate this win, we should remember to keep heart with those taking a stand against the Iranian government for basic human rights.
In the lead up to the match, Iran demanded that the U.S. be banned from the tournament after the United States Soccer Federation (USSF) briefly posted on social media the Iranian flag without the Islamic Republic symbol. USSF stated it did so in solidarity with the women of Iran, and all those who have taken to the streets in demonstration over the last few months following the tragic death of Masha Amini at the hands of the Iranian morality police. Since September, over 450 protestors have been killed — many of them minors — and 18,000 arrested.
The Iranian national soccer team also demonstrated solidarity with the protestors by refusing to sing the Iranian national anthem in the home opener, though they (reportedly) were forced to sing the anthem in subsequent games.
Off the field, tensions between the two nations are perhaps higher than they've ever been. Yet, despite the atrocities being perpetrated against women and mounting evidence that Iran is looking to Russia to help bolster its nuclear program, an Iran Nuclear Deal is still on the table. To preserve freedom, it is vital that our government abandon its efforts to restore this feckless paper deal. 
And regardless of which team you root for or if you're even a soccer fan, we should all support the thousands of women and men risking their lives in Iran in order to have a chance at freedom. They are willing to die for what we often take for granted here at home.




5 Ways Inflation, Tough Times Will Hurt Holiday Gift Giving

Small businesses in America will feel the impact of spending pullbacks by households and businesses most acutely at the same time they are dealing with rising costs to deliver goods and services to customers. Read More

Fox News | If I Were a Trans Kid Today: Here’s What Potentially Saved My Life Read

Cavuto Live | Trending: “Free-Range” Parenting Watch

Your World with Neil Cavuto |  A Win for Taxpayers After ‘Inflationary Hangover' Watch

O’Connor & Company | Why Does the Georgia Runoff Matter? Listen


Unthankful for Inflation, Thankful for American Charity

We can be thankful that inflation appears to be slowing, but let’s not forget how outrageously high prices are now, compared to 2020 and prior. Inflation on food, gasoline, and home heating is essential to most people. These expenses are necessary, not discretionary. The poor and those living on fixed incomes are disproportionately punished by rising prices because they spend proportionately more of their income on food and gas costs. Read More


Corey Deangelis Debunks Anti-School-Choicer’s Favorite ‘Rural’ Talking Point

The anti-school-choice movement loves to exploit rural schools when making their argument against school choice. Luckily, we have people like Corey DeAngelis on our side fighting back against these debilitated talking points. But excuses continue to be made to put funding into the systems over the students.


Nuclear Power

Nuclear power is a key component of the U.S. power grid. In the past 60 years, it has helped produce reliable electricity in 29 U.S. states. 

Can you identify which of the following is not true about nuclear energy?  

A. Nuclear energy is the most reliable source of energy in the world.
B. Russia and China are winning the race to nuclear modernization.
C. Nuclear energy is not a “clean” form of energy.

The Bespoke Parenting Podcast

Never miss an episode of the Bespoke Parenting podcast with host Julie Gunlock. Available on all of your favorite podcast apps: 
  • New Episode: Chris Stigall, co-host of the parenting podcast Making the Leaptackles how to overcome the challenges caused by the pandemic and how the school closures forced families to make important life decisions regarding education choices. Listen Now
  • New Episode: Outdoor writer Gabriella Hoffman joins the program to talk about her love of the outdoors, her work on conservation, and her commitment to get kids outside. She also explores how the solution to the mental health crisis currently gripping young people in America might be as simple as opening the door and walking outside. Listen Now


Consumers Plan to Shop Small This Holiday Season Despite Inflation

Ahead of the holiday season, one survey found 84% of consumers intended to “shop small” between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Small businesses need a lifeline as they’ve struggled to compete with large companies this holiday season.


Columbus Flavor Ban Is the Wrong Policy To Address Tobacco and Vapor Product Use

While the legislation is laudable in that it attempts to address youth use of age-restricted products, it fails to recognize the significant declines in youth cigarette and e-cigarette use — and the reasons why kids are using e-cigarettes to begin with. Further, the legislation not only ignores the potential for e-cigarettes as a direct substitute for traditional cigarettes but would severely stunt adult access to these products, likely leading to an increase in cigarette use, as seen in other states with flavor bans.

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