Right now, we’re counting on this movement to show up again to help sustain and expand our resources in this must-win race. 

This election cycle has been a long one, but through it all, supporters like you have remained steadfast in your commitment to ensure free and fair elections alongside the Fair Fight team. We’re incredibly grateful.

Here’s what we also know: the final day to vote in Georgia’s U.S. Senate Runoff Election is less than a week away on December 6, and with grassroots supporters like you on our team, we’re positive we can come together to re-elect Raphael Warnock to the U.S. Senate and make history once again in Georgia. That’s why today we’re launching our Final Week Runoff Fund with a goal of raising $200,000 to power our voter mobilization and protection efforts in this final week.

This goal isn’t made-up. We've calculated what it will take to fund the additional resources we need on the ground in Georgia. Every dollar will go directly towards our critical voter mobilization and protection efforts to solidify our pro-voter majority in the U.S. Senate.

And we’ve seen firsthand how collective action from this team can fuel the change we want to see in our communities. With your previous support, we’ve been able to fight back against voter suppression tactics, educate voters about how to cast their ballots in runoff elections, inform voters about key voting information, and so much more. Right now, we’re counting on every single person in this movement to show up again to help sustain and expand our resources in this must-win race.

If we’re going to win big and take this movement all the way, we have to lead an unprecedented voter mobilization effort across the state during these final six days. Please join us today in raising $200,000 in this final week for our Final Week Runoff Fund. It’s going to take all of us chipping in to power Senator Warnock to victory.

Thanks for everything,

The Fair Fight Team