From Aaron White, PPI <[email protected]>
Subject PPI's Progress Report: US democracy just dodged a bullet
Date November 30, 2022 8:59 PM
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Progress Report
News, events, and must-read analysis from the Progressive Policy Institute.
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US democracy just dodged a bullet
By Will Marshall
PPI's President
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Even as Republicans take narrow control of the House of Representatives, Democrats are still aglow over their political gravity-defying performance in the midterm elections. More gratifying than the partisan scorecard, however, is the big civic takeaway: anti-democratic extremism mattered to America’s voters.

They can’t abide it and they voted against candidates who embraced it. This despite the punditocracy’s herd-like certitude that Americans can’t see beyond their kitchen table and would mainly vote their pocketbooks.

Many did — inflation was the top issued cited by voters, and those who gave it priority voted overwhelmingly for Republicans. But many didn’t, turning what would normally be big off-year election gains by the out party into a rebuke of Trumpism.

Consequently, U.S. democracy dodged a bullet this month, giving Americans something else to be grateful for this Thanksgiving.
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Cop out: Ignoring the dictatorships now causing the climate crisis at COP27
By Paul Bledsoe
PPI's Strategic Advisor
For The Hill ([link removed])

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The big news out of COP 27, the UN climate negotiations, according to most media was a global agreement to create a fund to provide developing nations more aid to explicitly address rising climate change impacts. Yet, this action, while justified, is at best a thin, temporary band aid. Because without deep cuts in greenhouse gases from huge polluters like China, the cost of climate impacts will soon skyrocket into the trillions, overwhelming the ability of rich and poor countries alike to address it.

So, what was done in Egypt to actually limit emissions and control global temperature increases, which after all is the central goal of the 2015 Paris climate agreement? Precious little. Instead, a perverse sort of political correctness on the global left overtook the needed focus on solving the climate crisis, much of which is now inarguably caused by autocratic nations like China, Russia, Turkey, Iran and Saudi Arabia, who were barely mentioned during these talks.
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NEW: UK Labour Adviser Claire Ainsley to Direct New PPI Project
Ainsley most recently served as Executive Director of Policy for the Labour Party’s Leader of the Official Opposition, Keir Starmer

The Progressive Policy Institute (PPI) announced it is expanding its international operation to the United Kingdom, bringing on Claire Ainsley as Director of the PPI Project on Center-Left Renewal. This new U.K.-U.S. initiative aims to catalyze and create renewal of the center-left, as social democrats have seen a revival in their fortunes around the world.

The PPI Project on Center-Left Renewal will look at the political forces driving the changes and how center-left parties can build sustainable majorities in volatile times. Most recently, Ainsley was Executive Director of Policy for the Labour Party’s Leader of the Official Opposition, Keir Starmer MP.
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REPORT: Platform Work and the Care Economy
By Dr. Michael Mandel
PPI's Vice President and Chief Economist

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Welcome to the Care Economy, a term that is being used much more frequently these days. America’s aging population means that many workers are spending more hours than ever taking care of older parents. At the same time, the time burden of raising children has not diminished. That means roughly 36% of the working-age population is engaged in providing unpaid care on any given day, according to the annual American Time Use Survey from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (ATUS).

Overall, if Americans were paid $15 per hour for their unpaid caregiving labor, then the total value of the time spent on unpaid care would be $980 billion per year.

The nature of work in America, though, means that unpaid care is more stressful than it needs to be. In an ideal world, many people with caregiving responsibilities would search out part-time positions that fit their specific situations. But conventional part-time employment tends to offer much lower hourly pay than comparable full-time positions and, it turns out, much less flexibility. Therefore, caregivers are forced to either (1) accept low paying and inflexible parttime jobs; (2) take conventional full-time jobs, with all the stress of combining work and unpaid care responsibilities; or (3) drop out of the paid workforce completely. Notably, this difficult decision — and the burden of unpaid care in general — falls mainly on women. We estimate that the size of the caregiving gender gap can be valued at $325 billion per year.
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What is Cryptocurrency? Regulating an Unprecedented Technology

Cryptocurrency has taken the world by storm. Depending on the day, digital currencies are now cumulatively valued at several trillion dollars. Financial and nonfinancial corporate executives, once dismissive, increasingly understand the importance of cryptocurrency and related technologies for the future.
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Will Elon Kill Twitter? ft. Mike Masnick

Elon Musk has owned Twitter for less than a month, and the company is already in chaos. Is Elon crazy, or crazy like a fox? Joining the show to discuss is Mike Masnick, founder of Techdirt. Jeremiah and Mike discuss why content moderation is so difficult at scale, debate whether Mastodon can be a real Twitter replacement, discuss Elon's erratic and dumb moves since buying Twitter, as they try to figure out whether or not Twitter might die.

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