SCOTUS needs more accountability and new ethical guardrails.


If you saw my most recent email, you know how seriously I’m taking the new accusations of right-wing influence efforts aimed at the Republican-appointed justices on the Supreme Court.

Recent reporting by the New York Times, Politico, and Rolling Stone revealed how a conservative religious group was able to spend millions to get special access to the right-wing justices on the Court. The reason this is so troubling is that when the American people come before the Court to argue their case, they need to be able to trust that the decision handed down is based on facts and law – not creepy big-money influence.

And the response from the Court about all this? No serious investigation, no answers to our questions about accountability.

My mission is to expose the right-wing special interests trying to use dark money and influence to capture the courts and the rest of our government. I want to safeguard equal justice under the law and ensure our country’s elected officials reflect the wishes of the American people, not those of billionaires trying to exercise power from the shadows.

That’s why today I’m asking for your support for my campaign: Will you make a contribution of $5 towards our end-of-month goal so we can protect Rhode Island’s Senate seat, continue to work to restore the Supreme Court’s integrity and battle dark money influence in our democracy?

Thank you,








Paid for by Whitehouse for Senate


Whitehouse for Senate
P.O. Box 40280
Providence, RI 02940
United States

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