Support the Railroad Workers!

Call your Senators Now!




Dear John,


The railroad workers need your help! Time to hit the phones—TODAY!


Despite $21 billion in profits so far this year, with $25 billion in stock buybacks going to their wealthy investors, and an average $16 million dollars in salaries going to the CEOs, the railroad industry insists on the right to punish workers who take any time for sickness.


Members of 4 of the 12 unions—including one of the two largest, which represents railroad conductors—voted against a contract that did not include a provision for paid sick leave. Lack of paid sick leave and erratic schedules leave workers unable to spend time with their families. This is the direct result of railroad companies’ reducing the workforce by 30% over the past six years, and for one reason: to increase profits.


Today, the House of Representatives just passed a bill to impose a contract on the workers and force them back to work. However, tremendous pressure from workers' advocates forced the passage of an amendment that would add seven days of guaranteed paid sick leave to the contract, based on a proposal by Bernie Sanders. The bill now moves to the Senate.


From People's World: Pro-labor lawmakers move to add sick days to Railway Deal


Let’s help the railroad workers right now. Contact your Senators and tell them to vote yes on 7 days' paid sick leave for railroad workers. Every worker deserves paid sick time! You can find your Senators' contact information using this link, or by calling the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121.


Call your Senators today and ask your friends, family, and co-workers to do the same. Public pressure is key to getting the railroad workers a better deal.


In solidarity,

The Labor Commission CPUSA

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