Today, science is a billion-dollar enterprise operating through governments, universities, and industries. But like every other productive activity under capitalism, science would not exist without scientists’ labor.
Recent waves of unionization campaigns—including the ongoing University of California graduate worker union and University and College Union (UCU) strikes—have shown us that the only way to overcome precarity and oppression, which define our everyday experience as workers in STEM, is through collective action.
We invited academic STEM union organizers and radical scientists across the US to contribute to this edited volume. We discussed the process of scientific production under capitalism, centered the struggles around labor organizing, presented strategic reflections on union campaigns, and offered inspiring stories that serve to motivate and agitate for future organizing.
- Paperback
- 120 pages
- 5.83’ x 8.27’
- MSRP $15
- Pre-order special ($10) ends December 4
- Ships January 2023 (US/Canada only)
- Early digital release included with all orders
- Contact us for bulk/international orders, hosting reading groups, or obtaining review copies