Open for latest news and events from the Green Party!



It was a disappointing Cop summit. While there was some good news for developing countries, the failure to agree to phase out fossil fuels highlighted a desperate lack of leadership globally on the most pressing issue of our time. Greens however are working hard in their communities and Westminster to protect people and planet. Scroll to find out how you can get involved 🔽


Jenny Jones’ Clean Air (Human Rights) Bill is due its third reading in the House of Lords in early December after which it will move into the House of Commons. This coincides with the anniversary of the Great Smog when toxic air killed thousands of people in London in one week. 70 years on, air pollution is still killing about 40,000 people a year in the UK. Can you sign the petition calling for the Bill here?

As Cop27 ended, the Green Party called on richer countries to honour loss and damage agreement. Caroline Lucas was heavily critical of Prime Minster Rishi Sunak’s response to the talks and assessed the outcome of the climate summit in The Independent.


The Green Party condemned the Chancellor’s Austerity 2.0 budget after he announced spending cuts which will impact the poorest the hardest. Co-leader Adrian Ramsay set out how the Greens would introduce a wealth tax and close windfall tax loopholes to raise money.



Green London Assembly member, Caroline Russell, joined Cross Question on LBC where she tackled questions on big news stories including Scottish independence, the Home Secretary’s understanding of her own asylum rules and public sector strikes.


🌱 Join the 'Educators in Struggle' event tonight at 7pm: We'll be discussing how all of us - students, workers, parents, and members of the community - can support educators in struggle and secure a new deal for education in the UK. Sign up to join the online event.


🌱News from the green energy industry: Ecotricity are continuing to make our energy greener with new sun parks, hybrid parks and even an innovative green gas mill. Read the updates here and sign up to their mailing list to receive news on energy industry updates. 


🌱Join the 'Resisting the Tory Attack on Nature' event 13 December: Green Party Women are hosting an online panel discussion at 6pm to discuss how we can defy the Conservative Party's attack on nature. Sign up to join the conversation

-- The Green Party