Later this month, our nation will pay tribute to the great American civil rights leader, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. One of the ways to honor his legacy is by exploring how he changed the course of history by urging the country to live up to its promise of "liberty and justice for all" through his writings, speeches, and actions. Check out the lessons and activities below, and show us the ways you and your students are celebrating Dr. King's birthday on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. We would love to send you swag!
Congratulations to BRI Teacher Council member Tracey Downey! CBS News produced a story on her Advanced Placement U.S. history class discussing President Trump's impeachment last month. Tracey teaches at Ridge Community High School outside of Orlando, Florida.
Are you teaching about impeachment in your classroom? If so, please share these and any other current events lessons with us—either on social media or by email at [email protected]. As always, we will send pocket constitutions, stickers, pens, and other swag to you and your students!