If just three Republicans defy McConnell on this critical vote, it’d be a big win for transparency...

Friend, we just got word that Mitch McConnell is ready to push his rules for President Trump's impeachment trial through on a party-line vote. [1]

That means: new witnesses like John Bolton, who recently agreed to testify before the Senate, could be shut out. It means critical evidence could be left unheard. And, it enables McConnell and his allies to rush through the trial to guarantee an acquittal for Trump.

But it's not too late. The door is still open to call witnesses and have a thorough impeachment trial -- but ONLY if we immediately escalate our efforts.

Common Cause just sent a letter to every Senate office laying out our demands for a fair trial. [2] And this week, we'll deliver that letter in person to key senators' state offices -- along with petition signatures from Common Cause members in that state who are demanding a fair trial.

There's still time to make sure your signature is included -- please add your name to demand a fair trial today >>


You can read the below message for more on how we can ensure a fair Senate trial. It's incumbent on each of us to speak out for the rule of law -- our constitutional system of governance depends on it.

Thanks for all you do,

Karen Hobert Flynn, President
and the team at Common Cause

[1] https://www.commoncause.org/press-release/bolton-willingness-to-testify-highlights-need-for-witnesses-in-any-fair-impeachment-trial/
[2] https://www.commoncause.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/01.07.20-Common-Cause-letter-calling-for-a-fair-Senate-trial-1.pdf

Friend, we need to speak up NOW to stop Senate Republican leadership from rigging President Trump’s impeachment trial.


Already, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has told reporters, "I'm not an impartial juror." [1] Meanwhile, Trump is helping multiple Republican senators fundraise for re-election -- in a clear attempt to buy them off too. [2]

They might not stop there. If he’s left unchecked, McConnell might even try and rush through the trial -- without calling witnesses, hearing evidence, or letting the American people hear the full case against Trump. We can’t stand for this.

Just this week, we saw newly-unredacted White House emails about “clear direction from POTUS to continue to hold” Ukraine aid. [3] That revelation comes as the Senate prepares to vote on -- and McConnell tries to block -- hearing sworn testimony from the Trump officials involved.

If just three Republicans defy McConnell on this critical vote, it’d be a big win for transparency. And already, two GOP senators, Sen. Murkowski and Sen. Collins have expressed concerns about his approach. [4]

Every Senator must stand up for a fair impeachment trial that puts our Constitution and the rule of law front and center. Add your name today to demand a fair trial -- we’ll deliver your signatures to key senators next week >>

A fair impeachment trial must be:

Honest: Senators must base their decisions only on the evidence -- and cannot under any circumstances accept fundraising help from Trump or coordinate with his defense before or during the trial.

Thorough: The House must be allowed to present its full case -- calling necessary witnesses and allowing all evidence from the impeachment inquiry into the trial record.

Transparent: The American people deserve to see what’s happening, limiting transparency only to protect classified information and whistleblower anonymity.

Time and time again, President Trump has put himself above the law -- abusing his presidential power, obstructing justice, and violating our Constitution. He deserves to be judged in a fair trial and held accountable for his actions.

A Senate impeachment trial is our constitutional system’s last resort against this kind of abuse. But it can only work if senators put their country before their party: carefully weighing the facts, upholding their constitutional duties, and acting in the best interest of the American people.

We can’t let Mitch McConnell rig this trial to get Trump off the hook. Add your name to demand a fair impeachment trial, and Common Cause activists will deliver your signatures to senators nationwide.

Every senator sitting as a juror in an impeachment trial swears an oath to “do impartial justice according to the Constitution and laws.” We must demand that the Senate live up to that responsibility.

Thanks for all you do,

Jesse Littlewood, Vice President for Campaigns
and the team at Common Cause

[1] https://www.cnn.com/2019/12/17/politics/mcconnell-impartial-juror-impeachment/index.html
[2] https://www.cnn.com/2019/11/08/politics/trump-frundraising-republican-senators/index.html
[3] https://www.justsecurity.org/67863/exclusive-unredacted-ukraine-documents-reveal-extent-of-pentagons-legal-concerns/
[4] https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2019/12/susan-collins-second-gop-senator-criticize-mcconnell-impeachment-trial.html

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