Maine House Republicans are in Washington DC to discuss Lobster Industry Issues with U.S. Senator Susan Collins
Federal legislative action will be discussed, along with issues of concern to industry workers and their families
NATIONS CAPITOL ? Maine House Republicans, led by Leader Rep. Billy Bob Faulkingham, are in Washington D.C. today to meet with U.S. Senator Susan Collins (R-Maine) and others. Lobster industry issues are being discussed, including federal legislative action. Leader Faulkingham is accompanied by Marine Resources Committee member Rep. Jim Thorne (R-Carmel).
?The lives and livelihoods of Maine lobster fishing families and the Maine jobs that depend on them, are increasingly being threatened by outsiders with an agenda,? said House Republican Leader Billy Bob Faulkingham. ?U.S. Senator Susan Collins (R-Maine) is a key federal player and champion of Maine and its lobster fishing industry. Her ability to attract bipartisan federal support to complement our unified state level support will be crucial to preserving our jobs, heritage and seafood supply.?
?NOAA?s regulations threaten the livelihoods of thousands of hardworking Maine lobstermen and women without meaningfully protecting right whales.? Supporting Maine?s lobster industry is critical to our state?s economy and our heritage, and it will require a united effort across the federal and state levels to push back against radical environmental groups and onerous rules that are unfairly targeting our fishery,? said Senator Collins. ??As a lobsterman, House Republican Leader Faulkingham has firsthand knowledge of what the fishing community needs, and he has been their champion in the Maine Legislature.? As a member of the Marine Resources Committee, Rep. Thorne occupies a critical role to advance legislation to benefit the industry.? It was a pleasure to meet with Billy Bob and Jim today to discuss potential solutions to this crisis as well as ways we can work together to help Maine lobstermen.?
Maine Marine Resources Committee member Rep. Jim Thorne (R-Carmel) highlighted the importance of a thoughtful approach to preserving Maine?s lobster fishing industry.?
?Senator Collins has a proven track record of working with others to identify issues, solutions, and a way for Congress to be responsive to the concerns of Mainers and the needs of our natural resource economy,? said Rep. Thorne. ?I am optimistic that this trip will be yet another step toward protecting our way of life and ability of national consumers to access a wholesome, natural product that is produced by the ultimate conservationists, Maine lobstermen.???
Rep. Billy Bob Faulkingham (R-Winter Harbor), recently elected Maine House Republican Leader, is a commercial lobster fisherman. In the past, he has outspoken representative of Maine?s lobster fishing families. His efforts include bringing together one hundred fifty-one Republican, Democrat and Independent state legislators from across Maine in a communication in support of Maine?s lobster fishing industry.
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 House Republican Leader Billy Bob Faulkingham, U.S. Senator Susan Collins, Rep. Jim Thorne