Plus: RSVP for our end-of-year-party!

Week of November 27, 2022



Rally for UTLA’s Beyond Recovery Platform

Monday, December 5 @ 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm

Stand in solidarity with UTLA teachers during their ongoing contract negotiations with a rally at the LAUSD Headquarters in support of the Beyond Recovery platform!

The Beyond Recovery platform is a comprehensive set of demands addressing the urgent needs of our students and school communities following the COVID-19 pandemic. This platform puts students first, while also recognizing the role our schools play in the broader context of our city In addition to its educational demands, the platform includes a suite of social justice measures for our schools — including the same demands we are fighting for with our Green New Deal for Public Schools LA campaign.

The LAUSD budget for 2021-22 increased by more than $5 billion dollars, with $3.4 billion sitting in reserves. Stand with UTLA to demand that this money be used to support our city’s students and fill the growing gaps in our education system!

The First Annual DSA-LA Socialist Soirée

Friday, December 9 @ 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Join us for drinks, music, and dancing as we celebrate our organizing wins from 2022 and gear up to build even more socialist power in 2023! Festive attire encouraged. 

This year we’re raising funds to rent a DSA-LA organizing space so members can meet, plan, socialize, and organize next year and beyond. The ticket costs for the event are primarily to help us cover event costs. To help us meet our goal of obtaining a DSA-LA Space, please consider committing to make a monthly contribution to our chapter. You can learn more about the fundraiser by clicking the link above.

Run as a Democratic Socialist for ADEMs!

California should be leading the way in progressive politics, but we’re not. Some of our comrades have tried to change that. In odd-numbered years, they've run for leadership in the California Democratic Party through ADEM (Assembly District Election Meeting) delegate, and ADEMs are coming up again in January of 2023! The 300 ADEM delegates in LA County help decide if the Democratic Party will endorse (and spend its resources on) corporate hacks or socialists.

In general, DSA avoids dedicating significant socialist time and energy towards the internals of the Democratic Party. However, being an ADEM delegate as a democratic socialist, particularly during competitive state legislative special elections, is one way members can contribute to advancing working class politics.

Interested in being a delegate? Read more at the link below!

Strike support continues for UAW Academic Workers at UCLA

48,000 academic workers at the University of California are on strike across the state! The picket lines remain strong and solidarity is pouring in from across the labor movement. DSA-LA will continue to join the striking workers from UAW 2865, UAW 5810, and SRU-UAW at UCLA until they win the contract they deserve.  You can find us at the Gonda Building picket line (695 Charles E Young Dr S, Los Angeles, CA 90095). See you on the picket line comrades!

Nominations are still open for DSA-LA leadership!

November 21 @ 8:00 am - December 6 @ 11:59 pm

Once again, it’s time for our annual Local Officer elections! Here’s all you need to know.

The nomination period for this election is open now and lasts until December 6th at 11:59 PM. DSA-LA members in good standing can nominate themselves using this form.

Voting begins Monday, December 12th, and will close Monday, December 19th at 11:59 PM.

 Winners will be announced on December 20th once all votes are counted!

 Elections for Local Subgroups (such as committees) will be conducted in January.


Learn about which positions are open and read more FAQ here:


The following list is only a highlight of what's happening this week with DSA-LA. Please check out our online calendar for full list of committee meetings & chapter events! Be sure to also follow our Instagram & Twitter for real-time announcements and calls-to-action!

Mutual Aid Committee Meeting

Monday, November 28 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Join the Mutual Aid Committee for our twice-monthly committee meeting, where we’ll be discussing ongoing and upcoming committee work, as well as helping folks get plugged into other work throughout the city. New members always welcome!

Please RSVP for meeting connection information.

Mutual Aid Committee meetings are held on the second and fourth Monday of each month.

The Mutual Aid book club: DRAMA-La noire de…/Black Girl

Wednesday, November 30 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

The Mutual Aid Subcommittee DRAMA, will be discussing the short classic film “La noire de/Black Girl”. Filmed in 1966 this story follows a young African woman’s journey of experiencing the different treatment of Black people in other parts of the world and the societal expectations/rank that discriminating societies will put on those that they deem as lesser. We look forward to seeing you!

DRAMA meets on the second and fourth Wednesday of every month.

CalCare at CicLAvia 2022

December 4 @ 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

CalCare will be in front of key committees in the CA Assembly and Senate in the coming year!

We plan on sharing CalCare information and more. Join us to support single-payer healthcare in California.

Help gather supporters for a Medicare for All style program in California. 2-hour shifts.