Dear John,

Honeydew's story begins at an overcrowded shelter in Oklahoma. Blind, partially deaf, and just two months old, she sat in a cold cage, uncertain if she'd ever know the outside world again.
But what Honeydew didn’t know was that hundreds of miles away, PAWS Chicago had already dispatched a team of volunteers to her rescue.
After scooping her up and driving through the night, Honeydew had to be carried through our doors—she was too scared to walk. But with a little encouragement, it wasn’t long before her curious nose, paws, and tongue took over.
With eager sniffs, nuzzles, and licks, Honeydew started experiencing things she never dreamed of—soft blankets, springy pillows, fishy treats, scratching fingers. The world was full of joy!
Thanks to people like you, this incredibly promising pup is now living her happily ever after with an adoptive family.
But there are still so many more “Honeydews” to help. That’s why we're asking one last time on this Giving Tuesday—please GIVE TODAY WHEN YOUR DONATION DOES THE MOST GOOD.
Our friend Erin Fauber has added $10,000 to our $35,000 Giving Tuesday Match, raising it to $45,000. But time is running out and this is your LAST CHANCE to help raise $90,000 for homeless pets.
Please think of Honeydew and give what you can.
I'm so grateful the PAWS Chicago community always steps up to save innocent animals. Thank you.
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