With only a few hours left in Giving Tuesday, please consider giving to HTI. We are so close to reaching our goal of $200,000 and YOUR donation could be the gift to get us to the finish line!

Please consider giving a one-time or a monthly recurring gift and your financial contribution will help HTI continue our critical work of decimating human trafficking. When you give to HTI you give justice, bringing tangible hope to victims like Isaac*. 

In Uganda, Isaac was scourging the streets for food because there was no money at home for food. He was sent to a trusted school in the area where he was promised food, clothing, education, and the support he needed to not only survive but to thrive! Instead, Isaac was sexually exploited and also trafficked to others for the financial gain of the very person that promised him security and safety - the school headmaster.

Because of Isaac's incredible courage and bravery, he managed to escape to the school pit latrine where he was found by the school's housekeeper. Seeing the terror in Isaac's face, she asked questions and listened to his trembling account of abuse. Finding her own courage, she escaped the school grounds and took Isaac to safety where Ugandan prosecutors along with HTI worked tirelessly to prosecute and convict this child sex trafficker to life in prison.

Isaac's courage brought hope to the other victims at the school and the life sentence sent a clear message to other traffickers - STOP TRAFFICKING OR YOU WILL SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES.

Uganda is saying NO to trafficking, and in partnership with YOU and HTI, we can decimate human trafficking and stand together for justice.


*Not his real name

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