Dear John,
At the American Immigration Council, we’re committed to delivering the facts—to you, lawmakers, and the media. We've all seen how disinformation corrupts the immigration debate and endangers people's lives.
Give today so we can fight against disinformation and extremism together.
Resources like these are critical to informing the debate and pushing back against anti-immigrant narratives:
1. An Overview of U.S. Refugee Law and Policy
The U.S. has long been a leader in the resettlement of refugees. But years after the Trump administration slashed resettlement numbers, we’re still far behind where we used to be. Our fact sheet explains the decline of the refugee process under Trump and its slow recovery under Biden, as well as the basics of and global need for resettlement.
2. Amid High Inflation, Immigrants Help Ease Labor Shortages
The U.S. finds itself grappling with the highest levels of inflation since the 1980s, caused largely by an imbalance between available workers and supply and demand. Our data interactive explores how immigration can help meet labor demands and steer the economy back on track.
3. Examining DHS’s Efforts to Combat the Opioid Epidemic
In a hearing before the Committee on Homeland Security, Congresswoman Barragán used our chart demonstrating no correlation between migration and opioid seizures along the U.S.-Mexico border. Our analysis of Border Patrol data shows that there is no link and that attempts to correlate the two are based in fearmongering.
4. Midterms: The Changing Demographics of the Electorate
More immigrants are gaining citizenship and the right to vote. Our interactive map shows which states’ electorates are changing most rapidly.
These resources help educate lawmakers, change public opinion, and shape the press—and creating them is only possible with your support. Please consider making a donation this Giving Tuesday.
Jeremy Robbins
Executive Director