Dear, friend of the Journal,

The offensive against womxn’s human rights isn’t limited to the Supreme Court or Roe v. Wade. It isn’t even limited to conservatives. Deep gender biases still exist within the environmental movement as well, and many of us are still struggling just to be seen and heard.

Earth Island Journal is a publication led by womxn. We see you. We hear you.

Womxn live with misogyny every single day. One way we push for a better world is by using the power of the press to amplify the voices of those who are fighting back to create a better world. Will you fight back with us?
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Breaking down barriers

Here’s a little experiment: Check the About Us page of other newspapers, magazines and websites. Most of them won’t look like ours.

That’s why they won’t have stories like ours.

In 2018, we published our “Womxn and the Environment” issue. The issue was a celebration of the diverse womxn around the world who are organizing and leading the fight to protect the planet we all share. It also drew attention to the heightened environmental burdens experienced by womxn, and called to dismantle the gendered obstacles women face within the environmental movement and beyond.    

I’m proud of that issue, which included:

  • Profiles of Naomi Orestes, Sharon Eubanks, RL Miller, Maura Healy, Dr. M Jackson and Katharine Hayhoe — six womxn leaders in climate science and policy. In each of their fields, they are challenging the sexist structures that hold back more effective climate solutions.
  • A feature about why when Indigenous womxn and girls go missing in northern Minnesota, the police look in the oil fields first, and how advocates are working to prevent the violence against womxn that is linked to the influx of pipeline workers.
  •  A lowdown on how the glass ceiling persists: Womxn make up more than half of the workforce at environmental nonprofits, but top-level positions are scarcely held by womxn, and even more rarely by womxn of color.

Womxn aren’t a “special interest” group. Issues that are labeled as "womxn’s" affect everyone, and socio-cultural and institutional structures that keep womxn down are harmful to all.

The Womxn’s issue was a call to arms for our reader community to keep up the fight for a better, more equal world. We will choose our community over the alternative, every single day. Will you choose to stand with us in strength?
Count me in!

We'd love to have you in our community. Won't you join us?

Maureen Nandini Mitra
Editor, Earth Island Journal

Photo: Sierra de las Animas by Marcelo Campi

P.S. For an explanation of why we use the Womxn, see here.
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