MARCH ON is dedicated to increasing voter turnout and driving Democrats to the polls. Our data-driven solutions helped defeat Donald Trump in in 2020. Now, we're gearing up to hold the House and Senate in 2022 to advance our progressive agenda.

Friend – Election Day for the Georgia Senate runoff is next week!


And organizers on the ground in Georgia need our support now more than ever – so we’re sharing ways to get involved with proven-effective organizations and mobilize Democrats to the polls.


No matter where you are, we hope you’ll help us get out the vote and reelect Senator Raphael Warnock!

Georgia STAND-UP is recruiting volunteers to help get out the vote for the Georgia runoff – no matter where you live! You can sign up to canvass neighborhoods or community events and spread the word about the upcoming election, or make calls to voters and make sure they have a plan to vote.


Click here to sign up as a volunteer with Georgia STAND-UP >>

The New Georgia Project also has virtual and in-person opportunities to get involved with the Georgia runoff and mobilize voters to the polls! You can join a phone bank to call Georgians and help them make a plan to vote – or if you’re in Georgia, you can knock doors to encourage voters to cast their ballots!


Click here to view all volunteer opportunities with the New Georgia Project >>

In addition, the New Georgia Project is partnering with The 300 to protect voters at the polls! You can sign up for a virtual voter protection training now – and then volunteer to make sure every single voter can make their voice heard.

One week to go, Friend – it’s time to take action!



Thank you for being a strong supporter of MARCH ON, Friend. Our women-led team is working 24/7 to take the energy from our first Women's March to create the most robust Democratic voter turnout operation in our nation's history.
Rush a donation now to MARCH ON to take back our democracy >>

Paid for by MARCH ON